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6/12/2023 c2 CoolFanfictionLover
nice one
5/7/2023 c2 Msdib
Sweet story!
12/26/2021 c2 HoneyBear84
Loved it
9/21/2021 c2 amaia
What a good might not be Christmas yet, but it's close enough.
11/18/2017 c2 JimChou
Cliché it might be but what a lovely story, so fitting for Christmas time! This is how I want to keep the team in my memory forever! Great job. Thanks.
10/16/2017 c2 LadyDrak75
YEAH! He finally sees it!
7/29/2017 c2 dreamer 3097
A good story
1/20/2016 c2 1bjq
3/26/2015 c2 31flower pot girl
2/23/2015 c2 5Frakking Toasters
Tony love is always good. xo
12/12/2014 c2 Cassandra30
12/12/2014 c1 Cassandra30
Shows that Vance isn't paying attention to the dynamic of the relationship between the DiNozzos as well.
7/17/2014 c1 41enchanted nightingale
Loved it!
5/23/2014 c2 Hells Bells
aarrhhhh loved this why didnt an ncis scriptwriter write this into the series
12/23/2013 c2 1NetMyne01
Perfect timing, reading this at another Christmas! Vance is right, they are more than a team, they are a family! Thanks for sharing this.
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