1/24/2015 c4 Lily
I like your story! I can't wait to see what happens next! great job!
I like your story! I can't wait to see what happens next! great job!
5/11/2014 c4 shira-chan 3
i know you probably will not write anymore and it's really sad because in my opinion the story was interesting and well written :(
i know you probably will not write anymore and it's really sad because in my opinion the story was interesting and well written :(
4/7/2012 c4 kate
Please put up chapter 5 soon and hurry
Please put up chapter 5 soon and hurry
3/24/2011 c4 Mangaxanime
This is really awesome! Please, please, continue this! xD lukin' forward ta it :DD
This is really awesome! Please, please, continue this! xD lukin' forward ta it :DD
2/24/2011 c4 animegirl5
The story is gettigng good please continue
The story is gettigng good please continue
12/8/2010 c4 5xCiciNx
Amazing! : ) This story ''hooks meh'' on to it! ^_^ I LUV IT! I really hope you continue this story and it has a happy ending! Ahh u haven't updated in a LONG time lol
Please update soon
Amazing! : ) This story ''hooks meh'' on to it! ^_^ I LUV IT! I really hope you continue this story and it has a happy ending! Ahh u haven't updated in a LONG time lol
Please update soon
12/2/2010 c4 39Ai Star
Poor Yuki, that wasn't right! so where will she go next? this is good well done! keep up the good work! update soon! ^w^
Poor Yuki, that wasn't right! so where will she go next? this is good well done! keep up the good work! update soon! ^w^
9/1/2010 c4 6everdaytwlight
Awwwe you stopped updating please update. The stories so nice, i'm waiting for the big confrontation scene.
Awwwe you stopped updating please update. The stories so nice, i'm waiting for the big confrontation scene.
8/25/2010 c4 LovelyCrimson
OMG! THIS FANFICTION Is GOOD TOOOO! . You are one damn fine writer Miss. Ashlyn Darke. I do hope you update soon. . Its been a year and 8 months. Surely you must've written SOMETHING. . Great story again. Hope you update on all your stories.
OMG! THIS FANFICTION Is GOOD TOOOO! . You are one damn fine writer Miss. Ashlyn Darke. I do hope you update soon. . Its been a year and 8 months. Surely you must've written SOMETHING. . Great story again. Hope you update on all your stories.
12/31/2009 c4 1Bluesparkleification
Please update!
I love this story and cant wait for Kaname to meet them.
Please update!
I love this story and cant wait for Kaname to meet them.
8/30/2009 c4 4Peachie-Trishie
Awe.. I feel so bad for Yuuki I feel like crying! Please update soon! & when will Kaname see Yuuki?
Awe.. I feel so bad for Yuuki I feel like crying! Please update soon! & when will Kaname see Yuuki?