Just In
for Blood's Price

1/24/2015 c4 Lily
I like your story! I can't wait to see what happens next! great job!
5/11/2014 c4 shira-chan 3
i know you probably will not write anymore and it's really sad because in my opinion the story was interesting and well written :(
4/7/2012 c4 kate
Please put up chapter 5 soon and hurry
4/1/2011 c4 Magic of Reality
Awesome read :)
3/24/2011 c4 Mangaxanime
This is really awesome! Please, please, continue this! xD lukin' forward ta it :DD
2/24/2011 c4 animegirl5
The story is gettigng good please continue
12/8/2010 c4 5xCiciNx
Amazing! : ) This story ''hooks meh'' on to it! ^_^ I LUV IT! I really hope you continue this story and it has a happy ending! Ahh u haven't updated in a LONG time lol

Please update soon
12/2/2010 c4 39Ai Star
Poor Yuki, that wasn't right! so where will she go next? this is good well done! keep up the good work! update soon! ^w^
9/1/2010 c4 6everdaytwlight
Awwwe you stopped updating please update. The stories so nice, i'm waiting for the big confrontation scene.
8/25/2010 c4 LovelyCrimson
OMG! THIS FANFICTION Is GOOD TOOOO! . You are one damn fine writer Miss. Ashlyn Darke. I do hope you update soon. . Its been a year and 8 months. Surely you must've written SOMETHING. . Great story again. Hope you update on all your stories.
12/31/2009 c4 1Bluesparkleification
Please update!

I love this story and cant wait for Kaname to meet them.
11/21/2009 c4 18Asunder Rose
love of my favourites so far...please update soon
10/22/2009 c4 25love109
update soon i like this story very much cant wait 4 more =D
8/30/2009 c4 4Peachie-Trishie
Awe.. I feel so bad for Yuuki I feel like crying! Please update soon! & when will Kaname see Yuuki?
8/20/2009 c4 5SinShu
your writting skills are great:) but my one problem is that when you had menchion(?) Rima-chan did you mean rima toya or a human rima? and that you haven't updated yet. so please update soon?
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