Just In
for Even Angels Fall

12/24/2009 c7 wizziewoo123
yay so glad you updated! great chapter, cant wait to read how this turns out, iv read a lot of charmed fics but they all start were wyatts already evil or the changed future none are like yours were we get background to why and how he becomes evil! hope you post again soon and keep em coming lol!
12/6/2009 c6 wizziewoo123
love this fic, its so well written! love possesive wyatt! it really is a shame you havent updated in months:( really hope you consider writing this again!
1/14/2009 c6 1whiteKnight15
Love it! Add more soon please!
1/11/2009 c5 14lissysue85
great chapter honey. I had a feeling that Wyatt and Tommy wouldn't get on. keep it up
1/10/2009 c4 lissysue85
Hiya honey. Finally got a chance to read this and I love it. I really like Millie and her feisty attitude. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see what happens next.
1/10/2009 c4 10x-x-Dreamer'93-x-x
wow i love your story! Wyatt and Emily have such a cute relationship. Can't wait for the next chapter
1/7/2009 c4 1whiteKnight15
So cute! Love it please add more soon!
1/3/2009 c3 whiteKnight15
Love it! Add more soon! How did she get the fire to stop burning?
1/1/2009 c2 whiteKnight15
Love it add more soon!
12/31/2008 c2 7Marie Pattin
Hey darlin'. It's nice to read something from you again.

Yours Truly,

12/29/2008 c1 htr17
Pretty good start.

I really like it lol

Update soon!
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