Just In
for Misunderstanding

3/28/2019 c1 kirina misuwa
Mikan should give him a
Second chance i want
To read more ...PLEASE !
1/30/2018 c1 Guest
I really, really, REALLY hate Mikan now. I hope she burns in hell.
2/1/2016 c1 Sorry
Dude honestly what do u think a divorce is?
It's not like a married couple have a fight and then it's all, "OMG!LETS GET A DIVORCE!"
6/20/2015 c1 Gia
What kind of ending is that (natsume asking mikan to have sex)
10/4/2014 c1 StrawberrieS
Your story is really, really, really bad. I'm serious. The times didn't make any sense and no girl would think their husband is cheating like that. By the way, I didn't even read half of the story. It was that bad.
9/15/2013 c1 Polka-Dotted Strawberries
That was really cheesy, and Natsume was to happy, loving, and forgiving to be him. He loves Mikan, but he shows it rarely. Also, there were lots of grammar mistakes. There were spelling errors as well.


10/26/2012 c1 Guest
They are so out of character !
6/6/2012 c1 5KuroNeko382
No offense, but your story is very cliched and not well written. Also, the personalities of the characters in this story don't match the personalities of the characters in the anime or manga very well.
11/29/2011 c1 riindere
nice story
4/30/2011 c1 Arrietty Clock
I don't want to be mean, trust me, but this story isn't very well written. And I really don't get it.
4/22/2011 c1 Guest
don't intend to be rude but this story kinda suck
4/7/2011 c1 3DarkFlameInfernal
Love it
3/13/2011 c1 Nadine99WuzHere
You're making Mikan look as if she is stupid.
3/5/2011 c1 2Nancy Haibara
It's. so natsume to just not tell Mikan about his own family's visit to them which caused the misunderstanding, right?

It's a good story...

2/25/2011 c1 3NicOla111
WTF ! that's kinda stupid man

1. mikan dosent act/do that

2. natsume dosent act like that

3. mikan is not mean!

4. whats tha point in tha story?
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