Just In
for My Dirty Urges

4/29/2021 c1 Guest
I love this soooo much. Great job. I adore Hyde and Jackie and I adore this story!
4/30/2018 c1 Guest
Loved it!
6/25/2017 c1 Bbc
Slob the nob
2/2/2016 c1 5De rien bitches
Sweet and sexy!
1/16/2013 c1 24Gemjj
Thanks for writing this/
I love Hyde and Jackie together. they are a great couple!
6/3/2011 c1 17galnkay
I love this!
5/25/2010 c1 129Bunny1
awwww... beautiful and sweet!:)
5/13/2010 c1 34Wisdom's Shadow
I thought this is soooo sweet! :)
7/26/2009 c1 thewafflebitch
LOVEED IT! it's very sweet
2/2/2009 c1 jen
such a true example of hyde and jackie takeout the"good" stuff and you'd feel like you were reading a page form the actual script
1/28/2009 c1 57myboygeorge
this is the best kind of smut because it gets inside the heart of the characters and doesn't feel like you could replace Jackie and Hyde with any two generic personnas. bien fait!
1/18/2009 c1 33Willofthewisp
I adored it. A gem. It seems like so many "smut" stories sacrifice character and good writing for just the smut. Not you. From the quiet and yet suspenseful first scene with the stairs to the very end with our heroes sleeping in each other's arms, you paint a vivid picture and appeal to all the senses. And can I say nothing is hotter than Hyde reflecting on how much he loves his Jackie? That was such a touching ending. I got good and hot from how you write sex and then I melted at how you write love.
1/13/2009 c1 AS
Very sweet story. The affection between Jackie and Hyde is very apparent in this piece.

1/13/2009 c1 eleanora617
Love it! So cute, and it was the perfect story!
1/13/2009 c1 24Hyde's Bride
OMG I completely loved this! It had the perfect mixture of smut and sweetness. Aww you did such a great job!
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