Just In
for Reborn

5/13/2017 c5 11ploiuiu
please update!
3/13/2013 c5 Guest
please continue and can you please make erik and zoey stay together
3/31/2011 c5 2Ewalk96
Hey great chapter update soon!
10/24/2010 c5 Perfectly-Imperfect-BookLover
love ti when u gonna write more?
12/28/2009 c4
I just realized that u r the only 1 that spells Erik correctly every1 keeps spelling it Eric and please say that Erik and Zoey end up together instead of stark and Zoey I'm an Erik Zoey fan and I hate stark but sort of love him as a character if that makes any sense
12/24/2009 c5 2chelly12
next part please
5/2/2009 c5 ashley1985
oh drama I love it. I also love your story. Keep up the good work!
4/2/2009 c5 vampireaddict08
NICCE! awesome story so far! love how stark and erik are fighting over zoey, kinda... but all in all love it and cannot wait to read chapter 6
3/22/2009 c5 7BelieveInSilverLinings
awesom! continue
2/11/2009 c5 4XxKlaineforeverxX
write more asap. love it
2/10/2009 c5 3teamedward86
I like your story. Will you be updating often?
1/19/2009 c5 8xDarakuxShitaxTenshix
OMG this is awesome!

plz update soon!
1/11/2009 c5 20starlinc
If she is pregnant, I am stopping reading. That would be awful for her to be pregnant from Loren, especially at her age. Please make it something else, like she starts to reject the change, than somehow Erik saves her, or something. Please don't make her pregnant.
1/10/2009 c5 4IrisOfTheRainbow
Owie! You sure write a mean cliff hanger!
1/10/2009 c5
Um... Vampyres rarely get sick unless their dying or chaging... I know Aphrodite threw up once, but that was because of the dead body. I don't think Zoey would throw up just because she was stressed... Although I guess after Untamed, stress has reached new levels.

Interesting enough so far. *Subscribes*
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