Just In
for Dr Gregory House on Dr Lisa Cuddy

5/8/2016 c1 6Hazmatt
Cute story! I enjoyed it!
12/26/2009 c1 21life2ROCK
This is great: )
9/24/2009 c1 1EnsnaredSenses
7/26/2009 c1 InsanityRising
I enjoyed this very much :] Thank you for posting!
1/27/2009 c1 31Lady of Spring Rain
Nice, I like it. Weird number to end on though...
1/4/2009 c1 24Owl Emporium
Aw, I LOVED THAT! Great job; I loved this! It was great. (:

1/4/2009 c1 Wineandbooks
I laughed hysterically over this entire list, especially the green jeep part haha.

Great job! Hopefully more lists in the future

1/3/2009 c1 29hw65
Aw, cute, especially number 3: 'He cannot distinguish whether her eyes are gray or blue. It doesn’t matter though; he enjoys both.' :)

1/2/2009 c1 lesaubergines
Haha, very cute.
1/2/2009 c1 xComet260x
I loved it, very cute. Made me smile.
1/2/2009 c1 Izzy Kay
That was great!

Love the list!

Thanks, Izzy
1/2/2009 c1 11i luv ewansmile
Aw. Fabulous job!

Love your pen name, btw.
1/2/2009 c1 3cybercat08
well done. well written. good characterization. I'm usually not a fan of lists, but I liked this one. I would like to see you turn some of this information into a story.
1/2/2009 c1 3ceciilee
Question; I have noticed that a lot of people mentioned sandalwood odor with Cuddy, did they mention that in the show?

#18 is So TRUE and #9 is sad (I do believe she would make a good mother).
1/2/2009 c1 user-left-website
I love it, simply because its probably all true lol :D
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