Just In
for Julius Ceasar Visits Jerry Springer

10/9/2010 c2 38Jocasta Silver
Jocasta: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ferus Olin: What's so funny, Jocasta?

Jocasta: This story is so hillarious! I was laughing the whole time. I wish someone had stabbed Cassius in the chest.

J.C.: Who are you?

Jocasta Silver: The name is Silver. Jocasta Silver.

J.C.: Umm, ok. So what are you guys talking about?

Cassius: You suck Caeser!

Jocasta: (slashes Cassius in half with her lightsaber) I have triumpthed. I like this story. And you could totally go for a "Romeo and Juliet" version of Jerry Springer. (kisses Ferus)
6/6/2010 c2 Jocasta Silver
Umm This is hillarious! I especially like how Caeser and Br utus forgive each other.
4/17/2010 c2 3Criminal Behavior
LOL I love this! You wouldn't happen to be in Classical, would you? Cuz I am and we did the same thing, except Celebrity Rehab. XD
2/18/2009 c2 1Curlycurlz
If you factor in historical information, it all gets even crazier. Where do I start...

The big one, obviously, is that Brutus' mother was Caesar's mistress. And Cassius and Lepidus are both married to Brutus' half-sisters, meaning Cas and Lep are brothers-in-law and half-brothers-in-law with Brutus. Antony was Caesar's first-cousin-once-removed, and of course Octavian was Caesar's great-nephew and adopted son. And I believe Brutus and Portia are rather awkwardly first cousins. So, basically, Roman politics was just one big Jerry Springer episode all the time.
1/8/2009 c2 109Peridot Tears
Lolz, Brutus is awesome x3

1/8/2009 c2 Stature Links
epicness =) I liked the random
1/3/2009 c1 Peridot Tears
xD Total spazzing!


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