Just In
for My Village Idiot

12/5/2011 c2 3sandcastles97
really enojoyed this! you should make JD and Elliot end up together though, i say you carry it on a bit more:) it's really good!
12/22/2010 c2 lorna lou
this is so sweet i loved how youv'e captured what jd is actually like!
8/28/2009 c2 Princesakarlita411
swwet wats gonna happen next
4/26/2009 c2 Rukii Dragon
Nope not OOC for Elliot.. to much ^_^. This story is really enjoyable. I love the JD/Elliot pairing (woo for the show finishing with it!) and I love this story line/your writing.
4/2/2009 c2 SOL-Scion
I like where the stories heading keep it going!
1/23/2009 c2 7darkbunny92


How is ap spanish? I have to take that next year.
1/23/2009 c2 28Scarred
I really liked it. None of the characters were OOC. They were perfectly portrade. (is that how you spell it?) Anyway...updated soon.
1/23/2009 c2 bequeathed
"D*mn you and your Pillow of Doom." LOL, that made me laugh. Anyway, good job here! Everyone was in character, and I don't think Elliot crying like that was over the top. You have the blossoming relationship between JD and Elliot down well, not to mention you did a good job at nailing Carla's maternal side. This was a bittersweet chapter and a nice read. I'm looking forward to the next. :)
1/23/2009 c2 9Alice.1993
I love it! You really do feel for Elliot, and of course I love the JD/Elliot. :D
1/6/2009 c1 28Scarred
I haven't watched all the episodes of scrubs just the ones that show on the tri-state's cw. I do know htat J.D. has a kid but I don't know with who.

I really liked this. I hope you continue.

I really like J.D. and Elliot together.
1/6/2009 c1 18Arathorn73
Elliot is such a basket case, isn't she? She would be fun to write. Good luck with this! The start is promising, even though I think JD/Elliott are terrible for each other.
1/3/2009 c1 9Alice.1993
I love it so far! I'm already completely captured by it :)

Hope you update soon!
1/3/2009 c1 8manxscrubsnut
oh yeah... i take it the baby will be a boy (namely sammy) or are you gonna make it a girl?

eithers cool...

liking this so far...
1/3/2009 c1 21Tell Her This
Oh, I am intrigued. I really am. Great start. :) Looking forward to reading more of this. :D
1/3/2009 c1 1fatbean
Like the start hope you continue.
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