12/22/2024 c33 blb1000
Happy to read this again. It was one of the first fanfics i found after reading Twilight & wanting more. Bravo!
Happy to read this again. It was one of the first fanfics i found after reading Twilight & wanting more. Bravo!
10/31/2024 c5 sue1zide
So far, as far as I’m aware, she’s cried like a child and complained about taking care of the household when that’s her Job!
So far, as far as I’m aware, she’s cried like a child and complained about taking care of the household when that’s her Job!
10/26/2024 c3 Rebadams7
When you ask in ALL. SHOUTY CAPS (Thanks sqid.) how can I refuse. I wonder if she left him a message in her daily report that she didn’t wear anything scented
When you ask in ALL. SHOUTY CAPS (Thanks sqid.) how can I refuse. I wonder if she left him a message in her daily report that she didn’t wear anything scented
8/5/2024 c25 EndlessGloaming
I just love this version of Edward. It fits with the canon idea of a person frozen in stone and takes it to another level, and it feels so right.
I really like the idea of Edward growing up and moving away, especially since he was so young when he was changed. It's like, for all the others, forming a big family was like settling down, but for him, since he was too young to have left home, it's like still being stuck at home. And I can only imagine how lonely it would be as the 7th wheel in a house of loving couples.
This was a beautiful lemon, and not just there for its own sake, but import to character growth, which a really appreciate. I also love how Bella is more mature and has more self respect and autonomy.
I just love this version of Edward. It fits with the canon idea of a person frozen in stone and takes it to another level, and it feels so right.
I really like the idea of Edward growing up and moving away, especially since he was so young when he was changed. It's like, for all the others, forming a big family was like settling down, but for him, since he was too young to have left home, it's like still being stuck at home. And I can only imagine how lonely it would be as the 7th wheel in a house of loving couples.
This was a beautiful lemon, and not just there for its own sake, but import to character growth, which a really appreciate. I also love how Bella is more mature and has more self respect and autonomy.