Just In
for Creature of Habit

4/12/2015 c17 bella0609
What a predicament! Could Edward have made it easier by telling her earlier?
4/12/2015 c16 bella0609
Hmmm... Batman! I love Superman :)
4/12/2015 c15 bella0609
Uh oh! He can't lie anymore...
4/12/2015 c14 bella0609
I love that last line! :)
4/11/2015 c13 bella0609
I love how Edward stayed and protected her all week. How's he going to keep this up without Bella getting suspicious?
4/11/2015 c12 bella0609
Hmm... I thought Edward would ask Bella to stay with him?!
4/11/2015 c11 bella0609
Can't wait for their romance to to grow :p
4/11/2015 c10 bella0609
I don't think you lost anyone! I thought that was hilarious :)
4/11/2015 c9 bella0609
loved the chapter, of course! Can't believe I never reviewed your story! I read this a long time ago
4/11/2015 c8 bella0609
Edward so sweet :)
4/11/2015 c7 bella0609
Loving the story, of course :)
4/10/2015 c6 bella0609
1969 Classic? How is he ever going to find another t-shirt like that again?
4/10/2015 c5 bella0609
It's all coming back to me now...
4/10/2015 c4 bella0609
Is Alice calling telling him to get away asap?
4/10/2015 c3 bella0609
Will Bella come to work on Monday?
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