Just In
for Creature of Habit

2/26/2015 c8 Fleur50
2/26/2015 c7 Fleur50
2/23/2015 c6 Fleur50
2/23/2015 c5 Fleur50
2/22/2015 c4 Fleur50
2/22/2015 c3 Fleur50
2/22/2015 c2 Fleur50
Je relis avec Google Translate. French.
2/22/2015 c10 Guest
I snorted. A lot. Awesome.
2/22/2015 c5 Guest
This is so facinating. It seems like it will be really good.
2/22/2015 c31 Fleur50
2/22/2015 c32 Fleur50
2/6/2015 c29 TeriAnna
Action packed chapter! Loved it, though I wonder what happened to Jacob?
2/4/2015 c23 TeriAnna
Glad they were able to relieve a little bit of tension!
2/4/2015 c20 TeriAnna
Just perfect.
2/4/2015 c17 TeriAnna
Ooh... loved this chapter, so she finally knows.
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