1/22/2015 c30 Siriusmunchkin
That was a fun story.
That was a fun story.
1/22/2015 c29 Siriusmunchkin
Silly Edward to believe anything the insane James said. Just glad he listened to Alice.
Silly Edward to believe anything the insane James said. Just glad he listened to Alice.
1/22/2015 c28 Siriusmunchkin
James really is insane thinking having Alice in his power would give him domination over the vampire world. He doesn't know how her visions work, nor the fact she would never have helped him in the first place. Victoria is right about one thing. Bella is not going to be able to reach Edward because his phone is destroyed and she will try to go rescue Alice. Hoping Jake doesn't get killed helping her.
James really is insane thinking having Alice in his power would give him domination over the vampire world. He doesn't know how her visions work, nor the fact she would never have helped him in the first place. Victoria is right about one thing. Bella is not going to be able to reach Edward because his phone is destroyed and she will try to go rescue Alice. Hoping Jake doesn't get killed helping her.
1/21/2015 c27 Siriusmunchkin
James is a dead vampire.
James is a dead vampire.
1/21/2015 c26 Siriusmunchkin
Yes! They finally realized, with the help of Bella, just maybe what might have happened. James vision of the beds, Bella's questions about hair, the time period Alice lived in, that she would have been considered insane or mentally incompetent or something which would put her in an institution where they would have cut her hair. So what are they going to do with this information to get Alice back and kill James?
Yes! They finally realized, with the help of Bella, just maybe what might have happened. James vision of the beds, Bella's questions about hair, the time period Alice lived in, that she would have been considered insane or mentally incompetent or something which would put her in an institution where they would have cut her hair. So what are they going to do with this information to get Alice back and kill James?
1/21/2015 c25 Siriusmunchkin
Is Jasper still researching the broach? If they can unlock it's origins it will give them an idea why James believes Alice should be his. Won't change the fact that they'll kill James at the first opportunity, but at least they'll know.
Is Jasper still researching the broach? If they can unlock it's origins it will give them an idea why James believes Alice should be his. Won't change the fact that they'll kill James at the first opportunity, but at least they'll know.
1/21/2015 c24 Siriusmunchkin
James has maintained that Edward had something of his and he wanted it back. I have always believed that something was Alice. I'm positive the 'B' broach is from Alice's past. James has her, but how is he keeping her? That's my big question.
James has maintained that Edward had something of his and he wanted it back. I have always believed that something was Alice. I'm positive the 'B' broach is from Alice's past. James has her, but how is he keeping her? That's my big question.
1/21/2015 c23 Siriusmunchkin
Glad we got to meet the wolves. Liked what I saw of them.
Glad we got to meet the wolves. Liked what I saw of them.
1/21/2015 c22 Siriusmunchkin
So guessing this means Edward is definitely taking Bella to the benefit. Will the rest of the family be going?
So guessing this means Edward is definitely taking Bella to the benefit. Will the rest of the family be going?
1/21/2015 c21 Siriusmunchkin
Like your Esme. She's different and not in a bad way. Bella is curious, then again, so is Edward at this point.
Like your Esme. She's different and not in a bad way. Bella is curious, then again, so is Edward at this point.
1/20/2015 c20 Siriusmunchkin
Very sad that Leah is dead. We just might meet the wolves now and hopefully they will work with the Cullen's not against them.
Very sad that Leah is dead. We just might meet the wolves now and hopefully they will work with the Cullen's not against them.
1/20/2015 c19 Siriusmunchkin
Bella now pretty much knows Edward's entire life. Taking it pretty well I'd say. The broach. It's definitely not Bella's. I'm thinking it might just be from Alice's family. Don't remember from reading this before but thinking it makes the most sense. What did Alice want when she came to get Edward? Did they find where James and company are staying?
Bella now pretty much knows Edward's entire life. Taking it pretty well I'd say. The broach. It's definitely not Bella's. I'm thinking it might just be from Alice's family. Don't remember from reading this before but thinking it makes the most sense. What did Alice want when she came to get Edward? Did they find where James and company are staying?
1/20/2015 c18 Siriusmunchkin
Bella and Edward have some very tough decisions to make.
Bella and Edward have some very tough decisions to make.
1/20/2015 c17 Siriusmunchkin
Bree is gone and Bella knows the whole truth. Sort of. What's she going to do now?
Bree is gone and Bella knows the whole truth. Sort of. What's she going to do now?
1/20/2015 c16 Siriusmunchkin
But Bella does know about Forks. Her best friend is from there and she knows Edward's family lives there. Guessing this is Leah in Seattle. Emmett is hilarious as usual.
But Bella does know about Forks. Her best friend is from there and she knows Edward's family lives there. Guessing this is Leah in Seattle. Emmett is hilarious as usual.