Just In
for Creature of Habit

12/24/2013 c4 pinkbubbles134
He is so cute. Lol
12/24/2013 c3 pinkbubbles134
I am starting to like this story.
12/24/2013 c2 pinkbubbles134
12/24/2013 c1 pinkbubbles134
12/21/2013 c32 irishnlove2shop
Great story. Loved it!
12/11/2013 c3 Guest
Hahaha I Like your style :D you're cool
12/1/2013 c32 Vamps09
aw at the end
11/29/2013 c33 Miss Nailia
great story, i'd buy your books if i could cause if it's anyway near this good a story it must be amazing. your story is better than the original, and i wanted to thank you for writing it and sharing it with us! i wish you the best!
11/27/2013 c33 lvforyouonly
This is amazing- except for the moment when that freaking, f***king, miserable, bastard James snapped her neck.
My own neck was about to snap from the tension and horror I was feeling! :'(
I wish I could write more, but I'm eager to go and explore more of your stories. So, see u soon in another review on another story. :)
11/26/2013 c10 Miss Nailia
i totally loved this chapter and the way you replayed that scene about being a vampire, i was in histerics! i really can't wait to read more!
11/25/2013 c12 9Tinsley Warren
I loved his last question!

So I'm guessing James isn't going to stop soon...
11/25/2013 c11 Tinsley Warren
Oh an army! That's intense.

I wonder why they thought Bella would be perfect for it
11/23/2013 c10 Tinsley Warren
Lol! Loved it!

I wonder what Alice and jasper think of Bella thinking Edward is gay! Lol
11/22/2013 c6 Vamps09
I love the tshirt part, hahahaha!
11/22/2013 c3 Vamps09
What the heck?
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