Just In
for Creature of Habit

10/28/2013 c5 9Tinsley Warren
Oh so he's trying to bring down the killers!
10/28/2013 c4 Tinsley Warren
Oh looks like he's getting pretty attached to her...hmm wonder how this will play out
10/27/2013 c3 Tinsley Warren
Hmm yeah maybe not the best meeting lol!

But she makes him curious...
10/27/2013 c2 Tinsley Warren
Hmm hope his cravings don't cause him any trouble...
10/26/2013 c1 Tinsley Warren
Ohhhh I wonder what's going to happen
10/15/2013 c32 4anarchyforherchaos
I have this terrible habit: I will find stories on fanfic and read them, never leaving a review. Today, i break that habit. This is probably one of the most unique takes onn the twilight story that I've eveer read. There are some things that you have done with this story that just plain rocked my socks off. I love that your Bella Swan is 22 rather than 17. I love that she isnt so insecure and complex-y about her age or thier relationship. You wrote her VERY strong. Yes she had heer moment where any normal woman would have had a mental breakdown and yet she remained strong. And EDWARD! Good lord woman! Your voyage into his mind was just awwesome. Because he had already left his family or "left home" he was already more maure than in SM's version. Because he was more mature, insteaad of running, E took a less dramatic route insted of running away like a pansy. lol. even when he tried to end what they had, it wasnt because he was scared of what HE might do, but what JAMES might try to pull. Your James BTW, brilliant. Creepy, but brilliant. Exceptionally villainous :) bwahaha. Anyways, I could go on for days about how much i loved your fic, but what i'm actually gonna do is reread it and give you the chapteer by chapter review that you deserve.
A Faan Forever
10/13/2013 c25 cris
that's what he had of James it was Alice all along ...he was the one that turned her ...Alice is a sly one she will get her self out of this mess really hot sex but oh the drama ...
10/13/2013 c10 Becky.Moreno
Lol! Seriously. Snuffle, snorkeled and garawfted. The only thing that could have made it better would have been a phone call from Alice laughing her ass off.
10/13/2013 c13 cris
I love the slow boil between these two ...I just can't wait for that pot that they are both simmering in to boil over
10/12/2013 c32 Tashakcooks
This is one of the first FF stories I ever read and I still love it! My third time so far and I'm sure I'll read it many more. Great story!
10/12/2013 c4 cris
oh god don't let her cut her finger it will be all bad for both of them
10/12/2013 c2 cris
this is the choice for the week for our new book club so far so good
10/10/2013 c5 misstequilarose071
Omg,Edward is a is bella his is getting interesting.
10/10/2013 c3 misstequilarose071
Is he gonna punish Bella? If so how? And why? She did nothing wrong.
10/1/2013 c30 Guest
This is such a fantastic story! I actually started reading it last year when I was not finished, wandered away and I am not very thankful that I stumbled across it again all complete! I especially love how you make Bella's transformation realistic. It's not all sunshine and daisies, however their love gets them through the rough spots. Thoroughly enjoyed this and will definitely be looking at your profile to see what else you have written. Keep up the great work.
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