Just In
for Creature of Habit

5/22/2013 c1 DimensionWalker
You and Angstgoddess are hypocrites, now locked in a damning logic trap of your own making. How the Twankhards have fallen, compromising their ideals when money can be made. I used to respect how steadfast you and Angstgoddess were when it came to ethics. Neither of you deserve any respect. Epic Fail. You've both just hung yourselves with your greed.
5/20/2013 c33 5Naomi M
Loved it just like I did when I read it for the 1st time
5/20/2013 c33 4angelari7
:-D happy to see one of my favourite stories still here to read.
5/20/2013 c33 JillyLW

I felt many different emotions when I read this update, ranging from excitement for you that you've written so many novels, to confusion over your change of heart when it comes to the fandom connection line you and Angstgoddess laid out quite explicitly a long ago. I followed Twankhard and Twankharder, when they were still active and Angstgoddess had a very different opinion about any author viewed as “using” the supportive Twilight fandom. I used to follow your tweets on your old EZ account so I remember those too. Since you mention Sam here and on your blog because she's designed your banners, your blog, and your book-covers, I've become even more pleasantly surprised about the way you both have had a change of heart. While neither of you have pulled to publish (I would love to see Wide Awake in print and I bet it would blow the other P2P's out of the water), your recent action of sending out this post shows your change of heart, and your blog post about transparency clearly shows that you've gotten so much support from the twilight fandom since you've broadcasted your books through sending this update out – So I'm pleasantly surprised by this change. You and Angstgoddess are now using Twilight and the fan base to grow your own dreams and I'm glad to see you've changed your minds, because the fandom seems to be very supportive of the authors that go on to try bigger things, like you have. I go on Amazon from time to time and I'm amazed at the popularity and success of what used to be Master of the Universe, The Office, Emancipation Proclamation and The Dominant/Submissive, all written by authors who have done what you're doing now by tapping into the source of their readers to move on. After reading your blog post, I'm glad you're being even more transparent and making your twilight fandom connection clearer because I wouldn't have known about your novels otherwise. I'll add your books to watch too and I hope that they rise up the charts like the others have. I never realized you and Angstgoddess have had a change of heart and I'm very glad that you both have, when it comes to embracing the supportive community that exists in this fandom. I'm very happy that you've gone on to write other novels and that she's gone on to use her fandom links to branch out too. I hope that some of the meaner people in this fandom respect the change of position you and Angstgoddess have made. I hope that this update did what you intended and got the attention of all of your readers. Like me, I'd bet many are surprised by your "crossing the line" (I loved your blog post and can't wait to read the others now), and I hope even more change their minds like you have. Congratulations and good luck to you and Angstgoddess. I wish you lots of success!

5/19/2013 c33 Guest
Wow, thanks for using fanfic and your readers to promote your self interests. Cheap and low. I valued your and this fic because it didn't feel so AU/AH. Now. Gone. I'm happy for your success, but this was the wrong way to promote yourself.
5/19/2013 c33 ninamccullen
Thanks for sharing!
5/18/2013 c33 SheriMcDoogle
BEST FAKER UPDATE EVER! well done and thanks for letting us know!
5/18/2013 c33 4willowfaust
Hey cool thank you
5/18/2013 c32 1PurpleBrina17
So how I never read this before today. I glad I finally got around to it. It was really good.

Loved your ebook as well.
5/18/2013 c31 Thea-sofie-95
Very good story! :)
5/18/2013 c33 Beloved1too
"Dear readers and friends that I haven't given a crap about for years now,

It's been a while, eh? I hate faker updates. I do. I apologize now (But I'm not really sorry. I'm just desperate.).

If you're still reading now that you know there is no more COH (I'm sorry. I love COH so much and I feel like I have written all there is to write about these two.) Please understand that even though I haven't written a new fanfic in a couple of years, I still get a lot of reviews (thank you) from my stories (especially Creature of Habit) and many of them ask if and when I'm writing something new. (So I've come to the conclusion that I'll take advantage of my followers to pimp myself out because I've failed as a published author and you're my last hope of redeeming myself).

Well, I have (reached a new low). I have five novels under the name Angel Lawson on Amazon (and some on B&N). My most recent work is similar in vein to COH, a romance with a handsome-superheroish-vigilante (No Vampires-sorry, but I used elements from COH and the Twilight fandom to cash in in subtle ways in my new stories, so you won't be disappointed and will recognize hints of COH easily in my work because y'all loved it so much) but I have a variety of works from YA to Paranormal to Contemporary Romance.

All of my books are self-published and my covers and website are designed by the amazing AngstyG (angstgoddess003 if you remember, someone who's joined me in selling out for the cash that can be made on the Twilight Fandom). I'd love for you to come check out my work (because it's really that bad, so I need you to know it's there now, so I'll feel loved again, like I did with reviews when writing this free story).

Writing fanfic gave me the courage to branch out and I appreciate all of my readers here (especially when they can do something for me, by filling my pockets with their money). I have made some wonderful friends that I talk with daily (who are also changing their minds about making money off of the fandom, so I figured I'd do it too). I have no plans on removing my stories (because I need you now, more than ever, to turn my failures into something better) and will continue to keep PMs and reviews open (because I need you to feed my ego). I still read my reviews when they come in. Thank you for your continued support over the years!

Angelwhore and AngstyGrifter, now open for business!

(I'm listing this below since I can't link on ff because that's breaking the site's rules of having a non-chapter, but I'm so desperate, I'm sure you'll understand!) I'd love for you to follow my twitter or facebook pages so that I can keep in touch (because I can't get enough attention as it is. See me! Love me! Pay me some money!).


Twitter: lawsonwrites

Facebook: Angel Lawson


Vigilant (Adult Romance Urban Fantasy)

Wraith (YA Paranormal)

Shadow Bound (Wraith 2)

FanGirl (NA Contemporary Romance)

Serial Summer (NA Contemporary Romance)"

I haven't laughed this much in a really long time!

You'd love it if your readers come to check out your other stories? Sure you would, since you've been unable to gain any kind of success on your own merit or "talent". Here you are, begging from the fandom. LOL!

Took you long enough.

You & Angstgoddess are such hypocrites. You've publicly ripped other fandom authors apart for using the fandom for "selfish" or "unethical" gains, and yet here you are, pimping yourself out. Since your writing is substandard, your sales have probably never taken off, & now this - It's very interesting to watch you resort to this tactic of self-promotion. What's even more interesting is the fact that Angstgoddess has chosen to keep a recognizable form of her fandom name to start her own business, that also profits off of fandom relationships, when she's also been vocal about the similar actions of others. You both are disgustingly hypocritical, & Karma is now biting you both back hard, while you beg with hands outstretched. Seeing this blatant hypocrisy has given me a really good laugh, & I'm enjoying the chatter surrounding the opinions of many about your double-standards immensely, now that you've posted this. You're both laughingstocks now. Enjoy your failures. You both deserve them.

Reach out to the fandom. Pimp. Beg. Advertise to reverse your failures. Oh yes, this is certainly getting good now that you've resorted to groveling! LOL!
5/17/2013 c1 beingreallyhappy
Can't waitttttt! So glad you have new stories to share. Thx. XOXO
5/17/2013 c33 Sarah
COH has been one of my FaV all time fanfic's. I can wait to read your new work as well.
5/17/2013 c33 EdwardsVampTramp
Hi Angel!

I'm not on Twitter or Facebook *gasps* I know. I hear about it daily. Just not interested. BUT...I am super excited to know you've got other works out there and I will DEFINITELY be checking them out!

Congrats, Hon!

5/17/2013 c33 fantasmeni
Someone has been a busy bee! So glad that you moved on to original fiction, although fanfiction misses you ;) Keep up the great job, you are a very talented writer. I hope everything continues to go great for you!

Hugs and kisses,
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