Just In
for Tainted Love

5/23/2009 c14 13XCarlie.CullenX
love it! Pissed off Bella is awsome! and getting her marry Edward is just classic! Great writing!

Can't wait to see what Edward says next chapter!

5/23/2009 c14 mibebes95
ohh this was so good and i cant wait for next chapter and i hope bella gets the balls to say i love you back to edward soon! love the little plan on getting bella and edward married. but i hope you add wat possed alice and rose to do such a thing since i thought they hated edward
5/23/2009 c14 azure0610
I KNEW IT! When she woke up next to him then Rose mentioning Vegas. I said "oh shit!"

They KNEW! Rose, Alice, Emmett, Jasper...
5/23/2009 c14 wack-e-nurse
how in the crap can you end a chapter like that to leave a person hanging like that . Its just wrong do you know that . please update soon.
5/23/2009 c14 2Rennesme
Great Chapter!
5/23/2009 c14 alicewhite3
hahaha definitely not expecting that.
5/23/2009 c14 msmess21907
ep def drunk not nearly as much as Bella but def drunk and holey crap their married lol!
5/23/2009 c14 2HoplssRomantic
Awesome chapter! I couldn't help but think of my drunken, marriage, dare scene in Forbidden Fruit when reading this chapter. I loved the tripple marriage! That was an awesome twist.

I cannot wait for the next chapter! If it makes you feel any better, I was so busy this week that it felt like you had just updated a day or so ago when I got this email. I guess that is what happens when one is gone for 14 hours of the day, 5 days a week.

Anyway, GREAT JOB!
5/23/2009 c14 6justxxwicked
well hot damn.

didn't see that one comin'! haha

it was great though! :D

can't wait for the next chapter
5/23/2009 c14 StefaniJo
um, wow. don't know what else to say to that. so random. what the heck happened in the time in between. can't wait for the answers!
5/23/2009 c14 1movieandbookgirl
LOL, brilliant! I didn't see that coming at all. I look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve next.
5/23/2009 c14 2funkydiva1978
So I did not see that one coming! OH this story just reached out and caught me by the throat!

I love it when Fan fic authors take a detour of the usual bella and edward formula! i love this twist! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Very awesome! very very awesome!
5/23/2009 c14 Dulcinea21bella
I want to tell you that I LOVE this twist. I love that you surprised me and that this hasn't played out like a cliche story. It is captivating. I love that they are actually married! I hope they admit their feelings now... How will Bella's boyfriend react to this? I love it. Excellent job. I can't wait to read more!
5/23/2009 c14 conceivably.eternity
Please let them stay married. Dont make Bella hate him.

I want there to be love and such. Oh and I was practically beaming at the start. I loved the way you opened it.

Keep going please.
5/23/2009 c14 sambois
wow that was unexpected but welcomed ...this should make things interesting!
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