Just In
for Tainted Love

5/23/2009 c14 Mn1
Well hell, didn't see that coming. But I am guessing alice and rose had that shit planned out.

That should be one interesting talk tomorrow!

Looking forward to it.
5/23/2009 c4
I like that idea a lot LOL and its remote contol ohh here comes fun xoxo
5/23/2009 c14 Screams-At-Midnight
LMAO I can totally see Emmett getting bitch-slapped next chapter because he taunted her into doing it...
5/23/2009 c14 phoenixhunter47

I can't believe they went through with it. The others totally set them up. I can't wait to hear EPOV - was he in on it? Did him instigate it?

And I can't believe that he chose right in the middle of getting head to say 'I love you'. But I do love that he said it.

I was a little shocked at Bella when she said "I know." - How does she know? He told her she was just a play thing for his fetish... Is it because of his actions since he arrived in New York?

I seriously cannot wait till the new chapter - please update soon!
5/23/2009 c14 m0nt
tsk tsk - confessing his undeniable love for her while she's giving him a bj - classy.
5/23/2009 c14 3piratehannelore
Those naughty lil' ho's. lol. I personally loved it and I can't wait to see what Carlisle and Esme have got to say about this. And Victoria too. They all saw the bull she went thru, and now their hitched! Definately feeling this story. I just hope we're NOT close to the end yet, this is too good. :D
5/23/2009 c14 Sweetdreams82
I find this situation pretty hilarious. Although I have a feeling the explanations will sober me right up. Really though this is probablya good thing for Bella. It wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing was a set up by her friends to flank her defenses (really, a 3 for 2 special at the wedding chapel?). She has put up so many walls that it would take extreme measures to breach them. Update soon!
5/22/2009 c14 1Xodazzlez89oX
omg there married!

she is so gunna regret that when she is fully sober. lol
5/22/2009 c14 Soccer11
WOW if i were bella once i woke up i would be pissed
5/22/2009 c14 4CourtneyHale
hahahahahahahahaha! Drunk Bella was the funniest thing i had read in a long time :D

and the marriage...I don't know if I've really got my head around that either. I mean, obviously, it was meant to be, but are they just going to live a normal life as husband and wife?

As if it could ever be that easy for these too... lol

keep writing!

5/22/2009 c14 6jazzberry
love this chapter quick shot gun weddig hilarious update soon
5/22/2009 c14 1jaime12576
Well it was a buy 2 get 1 special :) Great chapter and I'm so looking forward to Edward's side of the story from 4 years ago.
5/22/2009 c14 SecretEmpath
I totally loved the fact they got married. It seemed fitting in an odd way. Great Chapter. Can't wait to read the rest.
5/22/2009 c14 luv4edwardcullen
i love it, i love glad they are married..lmao
5/22/2009 c14 bacmel79
interesting turn of events. can't wait for the talk.
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