Just In
for Tainted Love

10/27/2009 c17 1InWakingDreams
Yes. I really REALLY like this chapter! Thank you!
10/27/2009 c17 hippie starr
YAY an update, and a good one at that. *sigh* so glad they are finally talking and growing.
10/23/2009 c16 12marisky130
I've read and reread this chapter at least three time, I'm ready for the next one!

10/18/2009 c16 Monroe88
Did you give up on this story? It hasn't been updated in awhile ; (
10/14/2009 c16 Bammers
loved it can't wait for more update soon thanks...
10/9/2009 c16 Samirabws
love it
10/7/2009 c16 Savannahh08
soo i love this stoory and you haven't updated in over two months pleasee update soonn
10/3/2009 c16 roxicullen
I really love this story! It´s actually one of my favourites..

Please update soon!

kisses from Argentina =)
9/27/2009 c16 katt-ryn
So many W.T.F. moments and so few chapters left. The break up pained me...the session with Carlisle was great and I can't wait to see what you do with the meeting...what will he think to find out that his little brother Edward is the "pussy" ruining all of his brilliant work. Please tap tap tap more out soon.
9/22/2009 c15 ksm
I just found this story and have fallen in love with it! I noticed that you haven't updated for a month and a half and I'm hoping you haven't abondoned it and are just working on a new chapter. Edward's explanation does redeem him, but it is still a shitty situation, no?

9/21/2009 c16 Carrie loves twilight
9/19/2009 c16 JeSsIcA1906
great story so far... i loved that they got married in vegas, and all the damage they done in the hotel room..

cant wait 4 u 2 update with more
9/3/2009 c16 againless
Definitely I wasn't expecting this kind of arrangement for the Cullen family (I mean Carlisle/Edward brothers) but it definitely is a good choice for this story. The plot is great and the lemons are not too much, there is action in there. So I will look out for the next 3-4 chapters+epilogue :)
8/29/2009 c16 dizzykaz
this is really good are you updating?
8/26/2009 c16 1AriCullen1134
aw i just started reading this 2 days ago now i just finshed chapter 16 and im sad cause there is no more to read right now. i love ur story its so funny and sad at the same time. cant wait to read more soon very soon i hope b4 i start going into dt's ;}
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