Just In
for Tainted Love

8/26/2009 c16 breakawaygirl
Just got caught up on this story and it's fabulous! I can't wait to see where you take this...are Edward and Bella AND Victoria and Tanya gonna get back together? Interesting!
8/25/2009 c16 Cullenary
great story! actually the whole wedding was my favorite part-it was absolutely halarious and you should put more humor writing in cuz you write it really great! Bella and her trashy mouth is good too cuz I talk the same way! don't let her forgive her bff's just yet-they deserve to be punished a little for thier dishonesty... xoxoxoxo
8/18/2009 c16 MariaR
I really love your story, great job. You are an amazing writer.

And I think it's the first time I don't hate Tanya character ;)I just hope that she will try to help Edward and Bella again.

I'm looking forward to read the happy ending, i'm such a sucker for happily ever after.
8/18/2009 c16 blueheart93
This is really getting amazing! I love it!
8/17/2009 c9 blueheart93
Um, very good. I love it!
8/15/2009 c16 hippie starr
Tanya to the rescue.. again :o) it's nice to see a story where she isnt the bad guy. Bella will flip when she finds out Edward is Dr.Carlisles brother.

This story is great, please update soon!
8/15/2009 c15 hippie starr
Wow, umm didnt see that one coming either. Now I feel bad for judging Edward. Sorry sweet boy, this one wasnt even your fault.
8/15/2009 c14 hippie starr
Wow, didnt see that one happening.
8/15/2009 c13 hippie starr
You didnt have to tell us why, Edward being Edward broke things off so she would live her life and have a regular college experieince without him holding her back blah blah blah... *sigh* Edward will you never learn?
8/15/2009 c11 hippie starr
Gad, I hate new moon break ups.
8/15/2009 c8 hippie starr
Sigh of relief. Ok I like this Tanya.
8/15/2009 c6 hippie starr
Aww man, seriously, Tanya...
8/15/2009 c4 hippie starr
OMG loved it!
8/11/2009 c16 anu1289
good story!
8/10/2009 c16 AutumnLady95
Please update soon I really love this story.xx :)
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