Just In
for Tainted Love

8/9/2009 c16 19Ms. Jessica Cullen
bravo bravo! i really loved it. the whole marriage thing is going to be dramatic... CANT WAIT FOR MORE!
8/8/2009 c16 2Angelica Belikov
Really like it, its getting very interesting update soon!
8/7/2009 c16 2vampire girl17
I love this story! My favorite part was Carisle "He really fucked you up. I finally got you fixed and I don't want some pussy ruining all of my brilliant work" Can't wait to see(well, not literally) his face when it's his brother that Bella was always talking about XD
8/6/2009 c16 1EBalways
So glad you updated. Love this story and its unique spin on the student teacher relationship. Well done and happy you are going to finish:)
8/6/2009 c16 DancingGoldfish7
it was great! can't wait for the next chapter
8/6/2009 c16 skinssssforlife
loved it

so funny

cant wait for more, update soon :)
8/5/2009 c16 flecour
Excellent! =)
8/5/2009 c16 8teambellaedward
8/5/2009 c16 StefaniJo
So, now Edward has gone to Tanya for some reinforcement, huh?

Can't wait to see how this turns out. and I can't wait until Carlisle finds out it's his little brother, Edward!
8/5/2009 c16 twsaddict
Well, I have to admit, you did make us wait a while for this chapter... but it was worth it.

8/5/2009 c16 Sunfeathers
Thanks for the update - glad to see Bella is open to trying with Edward! Wonder what Tanya is calling about?
8/5/2009 c16 acw1
great chapter. looking forward to more.
8/5/2009 c16 3piratehannelore
You do suck. For not making this story longer than the four more chapters plus epi, lol. I really love this story but I understand how a story will run its course and you can't extend it any further. Fantastic job and I can't wait to see what happens with Carlisle, Bella, and F-ward are in the same room. Family tension anyone? Love it! :D
8/5/2009 c16 heather324
I would never say you suck! I love your story and will wait as long as it takes you to update!
8/5/2009 c16 msmess21907
yeah you def suck for making us wait this long for this update so but def good chapter and waiting for the next please dont make me wait as log for the next one! :)
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