4/8/2009 c31 Musik Drache
Am I like the only person who is still reviewing? I'm glad it made your day! Please, continue.
Am I like the only person who is still reviewing? I'm glad it made your day! Please, continue.
3/18/2009 c25 2Rei.Rein
lol nice.
theres so much happennin' aye? I feel sorry for them... poor things *sigh*
lol nice.
theres so much happennin' aye? I feel sorry for them... poor things *sigh*
2/14/2009 c21 2Rei.Rein
Naww... thats so sweet. Keep up the awesome writing, waiting for your next chapter ;)
Naww... thats so sweet. Keep up the awesome writing, waiting for your next chapter ;)
2/11/2009 c20 Rei.Rein
Whoa... that's really bad... I could never imagine what it would be like being pregnant at such a young age with my parents not supporting me. Can't wait to see what happens next :D hopefully something that works out for poor Sammy.
Whoa... that's really bad... I could never imagine what it would be like being pregnant at such a young age with my parents not supporting me. Can't wait to see what happens next :D hopefully something that works out for poor Sammy.
2/6/2009 c19 Rose in Bloom 01
le gasp... Reid cried! aww he was sweet to her about it too. ha ha great chap, loved sensitive Reid!
le gasp... Reid cried! aww he was sweet to her about it too. ha ha great chap, loved sensitive Reid!
2/5/2009 c18 Rose in Bloom 01
ahh there both preggo! i did not see that coming! it was very good, and yes plz update tomorrow!
ahh there both preggo! i did not see that coming! it was very good, and yes plz update tomorrow!