Just In
for Snow Girl & the Sorcerer's Son

1/12/2023 c23 Guest
And he began to speak...
He said, "Son I've made a life
out of reading people's faces,
of knowing what their cards were
by the way they held their eyes..."

Sorry. I'll leave now...
1/12/2023 c22 Guest
Holly comes off as a dreadful little drama queen. The bullshit in the forest would NOT have happened if she had JUST STAYED INSIDE THE CASTLE. Stupid little shit.
1/12/2023 c5 Guest
Yup, Harry should have stood around and let the boys rough up Holly, maybe have left her in their oh-so-gentle hands while he tried to get Snape's attention away from all the journalists...and just hope she didn't suffer broken bones, ripped clothing, and other "damage" while NOT DEFENDING HER OR STANDING UP FOR HER.


11/18/2021 c29 guest
Very well done, up to your usual standard. Thanks very much.
11/16/2021 c4 guest
Interesting fic so far, with an early-canon, utterly evil, Lucius. The reformed and permanently transformed Lupin is a new twist, and unique. I won't often stop reading long enough to review but appreciate your posting this. Thanks!
9/6/2021 c25 WeisseHex
Silver MUST live! Please?
9/6/2021 c24 WeisseHex
Well I hope he kills Lucius! Jeez...!
9/5/2021 c16 WeisseHex
WOW. Just Wow...
9/5/2021 c15 WeisseHex
There is hope! Draco seems to be 'almost' behaving, maybe will be getting there yet, so Harry doesn't whack him in the nose!
9/5/2021 c13 WeisseHex
Man, Lucius really IS paranoid, isn't he?
9/5/2021 c12 WeisseHex
I bet it was the DADA teacher!
9/5/2021 c11 WeisseHex
Maybe Draco, Harry and Holly will become friends? It would be so nice not to have Draco be a GIT!
9/5/2021 c10 WeisseHex
Hurray for Narcissa! She stood her ground and didn't cave. But now Draco is with Lucius; let's hope he can keep his cool, because the situation is a bit tense.
9/5/2021 c8 WeisseHex
I'm very grateful that Albus seems to be nice! What a change! I get tired of him being nasty and sly. It doesn't suit him.
9/5/2021 c5 WeisseHex
I think instead of being pissed off at the children, Sevvie should have been glad they didn't take any SHIT from those brats!
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