Just In
for The Mental patient

4/4/2023 c8 tonya82moore
please update soon
1/15/2016 c5 15mbrown2
Awesome reference to Twilight. Great connection. Surprised that Bella still dreams of Edward
1/15/2016 c1 15mbrown2
Oh dear, and this is where things are going to get interesting.
6/5/2015 c8 1jasmine.n.underwood
Please continue this awesome story it keeps getting better and better
1/11/2014 c8 Guest
write more please :)
1/8/2013 c2 nia
i now what a prick .
11/26/2009 c8 1LoveAngel91
9/18/2009 c3 Jane
this is is really good keep on with the story i like it a lot
6/13/2009 c4 fred frm the sky
the word ur lookin 4 is frazzled
5/31/2009 c8 Laurel
Now I'm really confused. She got reincarnated? Really... what the heck? This is all really disorienting. Get a beta or revamp this or both, PLEASE.
5/31/2009 c7 Laurel
I am having an extremely hard time reading this and I can't hear the characters talking with all the bold/italicized writing going on.
5/31/2009 c6 Laurel
I have to be boring you by now... I don't think the bold/italicized speaking adds to the story. Honestly, it made it harder for me to read, and I don't even have eye problems.
5/31/2009 c5 Laurel
Your chapters are really short. This isn't sounding like an asylum at all... They're supposed to HELP you, right?
5/31/2009 c4 Laurel
Hi. This is really very like the other chapters, so I don't have much to say. Thanks for teaching me the word "fraggled". Can they really put patients in "the white room" just for telling the truth?
5/31/2009 c3 Laurel
Okay, there are some spelling errors here, possibly typos. Try a spell-check, or maybe just look it over closely. Also, there are some places that could use commas. Also you could describe what is going on in more detail, I can't "see" much here.
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