Just In
for Heavy Lies the Crown

10/23 c7 Mellykins
This story is amazing so far! I have enjoyed every bit if it. Im trying to read it slowly so its not over so quickly, as its pribaby one of the best written fics on this site. Lovely/lively build up and development of characters. Thanks so much for sharing this.
10/12 c21 7catslovesushi
I read this years and years ago. Probably one of the first Dramione fanfics. I’m glad I found it again. It’s been a fun read.
10/11 c6 Guest
Reading this while living in Suva! Being from Fiji I got excited that there was a small wizarding community here, then sad that I wasn't part of it and then reminded myself that this was fanfiction XD
5/8 c1 Mrs.Reader
Ah- loved the story. My life was on pause for a few daysIm so glad i dont read wip anymore; because I could not have waited for the updates to know who tge blackmailer was! How do I find the art?
3/20 c36 18duskbutterfly
Such a fascinating story, i loved all of the twists and turns and the characterisation is phenomenal
11/27/2023 c36 Guest
Loved your story.
I thought I'd do an M.A. degree whilst I was off work with the baby . . . . Hah!
11/22/2023 c24 Guest
No dates on individual chapters; but brilliant personal news.
Love the realistically busy lives of Draco and Hermione ( I'm a teacher and my husband ran his own company for a couple of decades).
5/12/2023 c12 1Slytherinferret0506
I think it could be Graham Montague.
5/9/2023 c10 Slytherinferret0506
I love Gordon Ramsay!
5/7/2023 c9 Slytherinferret0506
If Draco is already 25, then Hermione will be turning 26.
4/18/2023 c8 Daegr14
Oh. I am really enjoying this.
4/17/2023 c1 Daegr14
Intriguing beginning!
1/11/2023 c32 tuantuan92
Currently on my reread (I think, this was one of the first dramione story I have read years ago) and I just realize the parallel of Draco and Charlie when it comes to Hermione’s acceptance that had her worried. Thank Merlin Draco is not making the mistake Charlie did. And boyyy can you please say to the girl already that you love her? Hahahaha.
12/7/2022 c5 Drsnivy1
The other side... Who knows what might happen if they meet up in a different corner of the world... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I feel like I read that before ;)
9/26/2022 c17 meeka.martinez
I just don't quite understand why they are thinking it has to be a deatheater.. like they both know other people without a dark mark can do dark magic.. unless im missing something.
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