Just In
for Everything

8/28/2020 c1 tanyaalisabff123
Plz do more ankof and orochimaru
11/3/2019 c1 1gabelou1991
J'aime bien.
1/20/2017 c1 Friendshipper
Loved it!
5/21/2016 c1 dario
I love Naruto but this was no where close to it.
4/6/2014 c1 OBITO UCHIHA
2/9/2011 c1 1girldoctor
ok so I just had to read one of your story since you have been very nice to me. Im also a fan of Naruto and this story was good! Very heartfelt.
6/6/2010 c1 7NinjaSheik
Loved it~!
4/8/2010 c1 XxAniketosxX
I've read this like five times and every time I'm like, "aw... poor Anko." T_T
10/24/2009 c1 22Trissacar
Oh you should continue this one! Please!
5/2/2009 c1 1The Dream-dance
I loved the ending and the way you wrote Anko's personality. A very nice work.^^
4/4/2009 c1 SethFC
I was just going through the profiles of my fav authors and i found this story and thought i'd read it since your other stories good and it doesn't fail either as a short oneshot its pretty good and i actually liked it particularly how you put Anko's expression of how she still feels..things like her past you don't let go of i also enjoy how you made naruto learn his lesson about judging people before thinking about it ^^.
3/28/2009 c1 11Jigoku-Dayu93
That was terrific! I'm on the verge of tears.
1/24/2009 c1 1pompomwoop
Daym that was pretty good.

For some reason the last quote drew my attention.
1/23/2009 c1 14nequam-tenshi
Quite a touching story!
1/20/2009 c1 6Just Maya
Good story, kinda sad though...
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