Just In
for Promises

6/3/2010 c1 SimpleThings
I realised that once I finished reading this, I had a big smile on my face. It was so cute...awwww! I love Lily and James. I want my own James! Anyway, wonderful job with this one-shot. Some one-shots either go on too long or are too short or don't get to the point kind of things but this was perfect! :D
4/19/2010 c1 31gonetoao3bye
Really sweet, I loved it!

But it's not really an M-Rated type story.

But that's not important.

It's awesome :)
3/12/2010 c1 11Silver Scorpion
Aww! So cute! I loved it! Write more please!


Silver Scorpion
11/21/2009 c1 6lovefrog159
AW! I loved it. Sad dream though. I hate those kind of bad dreams!
8/24/2009 c1 11Jen215
Very sweet. Loved it!
8/11/2009 c1 15mzboredasalways
aw very fluffy but i loved it.
7/27/2009 c1 Rob-girl
I thought this was so sweet! I loved it when Lily was teasing James. Great job.
6/5/2009 c1 5cheesetaco
So cute! Loved it! =)

The was absolutely PERFECT! XD
5/11/2009 c1 4Julie AV
aw, cute! good job!
4/21/2009 c1 62InsanitysGenius
I LOVED IT! It was awesome, amazing! Sweet cute and very slightly angsty. Great job! =D
4/12/2009 c1 4FairyVampire
i really liked this one-shot. it was super cute but was also believable that she would have doubts. i loved the happy ending.
1/28/2009 c1 15NobodyCanKnow
holy shit oh my bloody god!


that was heaven in the form of your writing!


this is gonna be one of my most FAVORITE of fics!

Holy crap I'm so giddy from it all!

Well done! this is amazing . . . . . .
1/27/2009 c1 13lookmeintheeyesnickjonas
AW! That was like the cutest thing ever! So sweet :)

i loved it so much!

1/26/2009 c1 RazberryGirl
omg the cuteness factor is unbearable! hah lovedd it. =)
1/26/2009 c1 1IHeartProngs22
Cute cute cute cute! Love!
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