Just In
for Odd Couple

3/17/2010 c43 The Prophet Neviah
Oh my god this story is awesome. I normally don't like Humanized stories very much but this one is making me revise that opinion. I love how you portray Lockdown especially. And I think its awesome that you seem to have actually RESEARCHED Albinism right down to the poor eyesight. I can not wait for more.
2/22/2010 c43 35OrianPrime92
... Is there more...? -hopeful puppy eyes-
2/20/2010 c43 SS13
As if I didnt need an more of a reason to wanna kill Swindle.
2/19/2010 c43 11meteor prime
Oh hoo hoo! Lockdown should smack him one! Definately! Don't take that Locki! Noo way. Anyway now I'v e finished my o-ing I can safely say that I loev your Swindle. He's absoluetely perfect, I love show accuracy so this Swidle makes me a VERY happy Met-y. However I also like the way you've put your very own little spin on him as well.

Love the mannerismis, the little straightening of the jacket and clenching of the fists- really helps create the visuals and allows the audience to truly see whats happening rather than just read it. :3

2/18/2010 c43 PwnKage
Swindle is a gold-digging arse.


Can't wait till next time. Now I'm off to read Touch touch touch touch touch...
2/16/2010 c43 1diabolus.ex.machina
Something absolutely terrible is going to happen, isn't it? Aghh...why you do this to us? Why you gotta hurt us with the heartbreaking drama?

Counting on you to pull our boys through in the end, though. Fingers crossed.
2/16/2010 c43 66renegadewriter8
O.O Oh no. He did NOT just threaten to hurt Prowl! ... LOCKDOWN KILL HIM! XD

Oh dear, something bad is going to happen. I KNOW it! Ohshitohshitohshitohshit! XD

2/16/2010 c43 StarShineMB
Lockdown what the hell are you doing! This can't end well... And Swindle needs a fist to the face for threatening Prowl.
2/16/2010 c43 27Yami Dragoness of Dark
-prepares pitch fork and flaming torch- don't worry LD, I'll protect Prowl for you, go ahead and kill Swindle. Poor LD, I pity him, stuck in a bad situation. Let's hope Prowl doesn't get caught in the crossfire...literally o.o
2/16/2010 c43 18Optimus Bob
Very nice chapter! Swindle did not just? *covers mouth* oohh that is never a wise move. Loved this chapter and the silly on aff. Can't wait to see what happens next!
2/16/2010 c43 21itsu-sual
SWINDLLE! You bastard! Oh man, what have these guys gotten themselves into! Man, the transition between Swindle being scared for himself to blackmailing Lockdown was amazing in this. He's so evil and sleazy it's not even funny. And I love how Megatron hasn't even appeared in this main story yet, but he's still this background sinister evil lurking behind it all. Keep going!
2/16/2010 c43 phoebe turner
i loved it!
2/10/2010 c42 29Kloudy Reignfall
42. New Leaf

Oh gosh, you are ridiculous. *wibbles* How you keep writing such perfectly sweet, yet interesting and intriquing chapters, I don't think I will ever understand! Really, I've read a lot of things, and I've found that after a while cute scenes all seem the same, and sexy scenes all seem the same, and dramatic scenes all seem the same, but not when you write them. ^^ You always always manage to keep things interesting, and I really honestly hope you will keep keep keep keep writing! Because

it's just absolutely lovely.

Um. And I do occasionally forget that "in fact, this fandom concerns giant alien robots." ^^; Well you just write them so beautifully full of humanity! And I started reading this story before I was even half-familiar with the TFA fandom (wow, I did, didn't I?), so they've always been pretty human to me.

And another thing. No, you should not have stopped at 20! Ofcourse not! In fact, if you keep this up for years, it'll be too soon! ^_^ As long as you're enjoying, I hope you'll keep writing. =)

Well, I guess that's a wrap for Odd Couple chapters. I hope to be back soon!

2/10/2010 c42 Siv the Fish
So...what ever happened the cellphone LD took from Dai? Why did he take the cellphone in the first place? Prowl Nekkid in the kitchen, my brain just popped. Anyway great chapter etc etc oh I really wanna know what happenes when Prowl tries to return the helmet.
2/10/2010 c41 Kloudy Reignfall
41. Now

Oh my goodness, this chapter is just far too cute! I don't think I can smile any bigger. Oh gosh, my face is tired from it. =D Ahh, I'm so happy you brought Mirage and Hound back for a bit. I really liked that Odd chapter; it's one of the kind that pops back into my head at random moments. I wondered if you'd expound on their happy ending. It's nice to see it, and especially nice to see Lockdown's reaction to it. Ahh so cute! ^_^ I really super adore his interest in their daughter and how they interact with her.

And I wonder how much he REALLY hopes Prowl doesn't want kids. (I don't know if I could imagine them with kids or not. Well, yes, ok, I can, but you know what I mean. I think?)

Oh look, another chapter! Hooray!


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