Just In
for Odd Couple

6/30/2012 c4 Guest
This "fanfiction" has captured my utter attention. It captures the characters' personalities very precisely. You may hear from me again...
5/7/2012 c1 14Volto
Awesome story! Also, I found this really awesome picture of Lockdown and Prowl. Somewhere in the back of my mind I'm pretty sure it was commissioned for ya. Its on Deviant Art. com, by Pinkatron. I think you'll like it...ψ(`∇´)ψ
3/30/2012 c50 Whippet

1/25/2012 c50 Guest
You are a horrible person
12/4/2011 c49 3TravlersTails
I cried a lot. Not just at the last few words of the chapter, but probably the last few chapters.

Pretty sweet story you got there!
10/8/2011 c1 3technoWriter15
9/28/2011 c1 Blitzwing18
ok i read this when you were in the chapter 30s area and this was like a drug to me! i loved it so much and was so happy when i saw ya made a new chapter and i did cry on that last one you made poor prowler =( this story was amazing and it was like a sop on tv! i never knew what was going to happen! i loved it soo much and im about to read all the chapters again!

your are amazing! thank you for wrighting this beautiful story! 3
9/11/2011 c51 Httw
It took me a couple weeks but I finally managed to read those last two chapters (plus one). They were hard to read, I won't lie, but I did enjoy the ending. You were right, it wasn't necessarily what I wanted, but you did an amazing job with it considering I didn't hate it. I don't think there are many who could've gotten away with that ending with as much grace and skill as you did.

I had noticed on livejournal one of the fics pertaining to Lockdown's "end." I am completely terrified of reading it. Hopefully I'll be able to pluck up the courage to finish his story. I adore your work, it's sim
9/1/2011 c16 Httw
Wait- who's not a "him?" did I read that wrong? Hahaha I was all ready to sproffle about how hilarious those last bits of dialogue were, but I thrown for a loop with the bit about not being a him. The day-dream sequence on AFF just about killed me, bt-dubs!
8/31/2011 c4 Httw
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! God Prowl! You ran right into that one! I Was excited to see that others wanted Torque to show up! I had a big dopey grin for agreement. Hopefully she shows up later :D
8/31/2011 c1 Httw
Goodness! You had me giggling the entire way through this chapter! I am so excited for more of it!
8/18/2011 c51 Ceam
To put it simply this is the most amazing thing I've ever read. I'm sitting here, sobbing, at 2:06am. Thank you so much for the amazing ride, Demyrie. There aren't words to express my feelings. I just wish it hadn't been so... Goddamn upsetting. Not the writing, the story of course.

Now, having completed TF:Animated and sobbed at the end for days I will sit here and sob over this for days. Hopefully I'll be done before class in 4 days.

Again, Thank you so much for the incomprehensibly wonderful ride. I won't forget this story for the rest of my life. You are a wonderful person and a wonderful writer and I LOVE YOU

8/15/2011 c51 85Werewolf of Fire
Usually I try and leave a review that's, y'know, helpful and somewhat insightful (as in, like, not just gushing fangirlism), but I think this is all that needs to be said:

That was EPIC.
5/25/2011 c20 10Usagi Lemons
I simplly have a question, will there ever be scenes, of u know what? Or are they placed in other sites. If so, could u link me the site, I really want to read the scenes lol...u know 'scence'. and i love the story, i LOVES PROWL
5/24/2011 c51 25yamiishot
Oh man I loved this story. The ending totally threw me, utterly unexpected and made me so sad. But now I wish you did write out the sequel properly, this is making me itch for more!
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