Just In
for Odd Couple

1/26/2009 c1 1KaraQ
Oh. I like this. I'm already a fan of your fic "Partners" and it's really interesting to see, how you'll write the characters as humans. Works so far! :-D

I could totally picture Prowl as a cop (what else), but I like the fact that you seem to keep him in character to his counterpart in the Transformers universe (with the mediating, ninja-things...and tea. Lol. Only Prowl...) ^^

And Lockdown. Lovely pervert Lockdown - coming on to Prowl, tricking him and so forth... Rawr! (I hope for smut to happen!)

More soon, please?

1/26/2009 c1 3Kaekokat
Wow I'm liking this already! Lockdown you old prevert! Prowl's soaked pants = EPIC WIN! Be cute if Prowl fell asleep in Lockdown's car and wakes up on a couch bundled in blankets and his clothes are hanging a scat ten away, drying on a clothes line. Prowl is naked in the blankets! But Lockdown didn't do anything to him. XD

1/26/2009 c1 Sesca3
Oh man oh man, please tell me Torque shows up in this universe. It would be hilarious if Lockdown met her at some sort of questionable bar (or ahahaha, a "gentleman's club"... where she's the star? Hee).

Also, Prowl as an uptight ninja cop who drinks tea in a bar is so fitting it's hilarious. Of course he would bring tea to a bar just so he didn't have to drink any actual alcohol. Ha! Poor Prowlie, all he wants to do is philosophize and patrol. :(
1/26/2009 c1 5Geminigirl83
Awesome. I love this and can't wait for more. Lockdown sure is a tenacious perv.

I've seen those fantastic doodles. Prowl and, especially, Lockdown are frickin hot looking.
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