Just In
for Oniisama

5/26/2016 c1 3Lady of the Fates
Awww, so cute! I was scared for a second that Kaname was gonna leave her. But happy ending, yay!
4/30/2014 c1 Guest
sad but sweet
7/12/2012 c1 DawnGwenSaya
Awesome. I thought that he was going to leave, but I love that you made a happy ending. I was like 'Awwww'. Great story.
4/13/2012 c1 farRaven
to be honest.. i wish your story was the continuation of vampire knight ..hehe

oh well..

good job by the way ^_^ it was really good
11/11/2011 c1
Beautifully written sweet angst. I love it:D
6/19/2011 c1 6bleedingnightingale
Oh thank God! I thought he was going to leave her. It was a great climax :)
5/24/2011 c1 Yuuki-Kuran-Cross-1
*starts crying* it was so beautiful... i'm so happy for them the must be so lucky...hehehe ^w^ wow i loved it so much and really i even started crying on the start of sadness and i was worried becouse he was gonna leave and at the end i started crying by happiness this was sooooo beautiful...! *sobs* it was so touching *still sobing* i so LOVE it! and again it was beautiful ^^
3/7/2010 c1 4Pridemunkeyz
This is...I can so imagine this happening!Great story!I subscribey to you now!
10/3/2009 c1 5CherryFlamingo
Aww! Loved Yuuki's little poem though~ 3
8/28/2009 c1 3hankpym
I didn't think I was able but apparently your story is making me produce tears! Real, human, tears!
8/8/2009 c1 YANYAN11
That was so cute:") Hope you could make more cool stories! :)
7/17/2009 c1 5bringITback

i love the intensity of feelings!

6/14/2009 c1 3Jiru-senpai
Love it! ^^,

Except for the repeated dialogue in the last part, the story is really nice. I wish you would continue with this plot. Make it into something longer. :) You seem to be well-versed. I'm sure you won't have that much problems.
5/30/2009 c1 tree-of-life8
oh. my. god. That was awesome and so intense. I loved the whole idea and the way you wrote it! It was so amazing!
5/4/2009 c1 6Shadowmaiden3
Like so many good VK fics it ended too soon. Way too soon.
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