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12/7/2024 c16 angelbobo25
This whole chapter is ridiculous. It is ok to kidnap a baby because she wants them back together and it is all ok because Rose had a bad experience? I think not.
4/13/2024 c37 1divyvicki
Loved that you continued this.
2/13/2024 c17 divyvicki
Why did Carson say their flight was in two hours and then in the next paragraph you had Bella saying goodbye to them at the airport.
2/13/2024 c6 divyvicki
How did her truck get fixed?
2/13/2024 c5 divyvicki
Oh NO, Not Charlie!
2/13/2024 c4 divyvicki
Sure hope Esme and Carlisle can convince her to give Edward a chance to know his son.
3/4/2021 c26 Guest
12/6/2018 c5 Guest
Bella is being super annoying
10/5/2018 c37 30Rebadams7
Definitely seeing growth in your writings
9/7/2018 c3 Amelia S James
Bella needs to grow up ..
7/22/2018 c2 bookreader282
Amazing! Bella has amazing friends!
7/22/2018 c1 bookreader282
Awesome chapter!
6/24/2018 c1 Guest
She was in florida what? a whole couple weeks and people she barely knows are now visiting her in forks? OOOOOKKKK

I find it very odd that bella is inviting so many people into her life even though her friends are vampires and werewolves, it seems really irresponsible. And good thing her pregnancy was normal...and her baby seems to be 100% human huh? Cause she never so much as gave it a thought that she was pregnant with a fucking vampires baby!

Other then that, this is written really childishly. And its super boring.
10/31/2016 c16 Danielle
This Is BULSHIT just because the Cullens are bake she gonna let them take over her life again! Rosalie kidnapped her baby shes the reason the volturi are making into an experiment! SO she tells you her story and thats an excuse to steal your baby? BULLSHIT! Stop making Bella so weak! They all left her the all should get the exact same treatment Edward does. Making an excuse for that bitch kindnapping Mason!
2/15/2016 c37 11LittleNeko23
I dont hate that you changed the lore, its a bit cheap but easily overlooked. I'm reading the sequel next and as for your novel how far along are you? I'd love to beta for you. Pm me
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