Just In
for Dreams Come True

11/11/2009 c5 Turtle Quest
I feel so speacil a chapter dedicated just for me but wow your so pushy I get it reveiw review. That was good I like hOw Paul gets so excited at the aspect of the beach with you guys. But what's with you and these darn cliffhangers. Jeez your gonna make me get sick by the stress this story causes me. I love Emmett and the burn part XD Hurry up and include more imprinting action you know I love imprinting storys. Update soon or

you will feel the wrath of my foot up your but.XP
11/11/2009 c4 Ynotjacob
This is a cute story! Give the plot bunnies more carrots so you can update sooner!
11/11/2009 c5 NikNak87
im SO insanely jealous of you! gettin to meet alex meraz! SO lucky!

anyways...awesome update! cant wait for the next 1!
11/10/2009 c4 4Panda Blitz
LMFAO awesome, just plain awesome. Please update soon!
11/10/2009 c3 Smile.E.Face
Great story
11/9/2009 c4 5Perfect love kills all fear
I can't wait to see what happens next. Who's calling?

I like the POOF, comes into the story.

11/8/2009 c4 6kimmmz
LOVE this :) The characters are really cool and I'm loking forward to the next chapter x
11/8/2009 c4 NikNak87
wow! this is awesome! the bit with the phone call was really funny! cant wait for more!
11/8/2009 c4 emmettandrose4ever

this is hilarious!

I literally was almost on the ground when alice said, "GASP!EDWARD CULLEN! How could you say such a thing?" LOL!

though. shes right. there are never enough clothes *shakes head in agreement*.

PS! I get to meet Embry and Jared! (: also EMMETT AND CARLISLE! on the tour thing(:(: im so excited! but i dont get to meet them until january:*(

oh well that means i can ask them about Eclipse(: hahaa.

P.S.S I am super jealous you get to meet paul! I LOVE PAUL! hes like my 2nd favorite wolf! (1st goes to Leah!)
11/8/2009 c4 2KR Wolfe
I'm finally glad you got to update but because of how long it took you to update, I had to go back and read chapter one through three over again.

Great job and update soon! :)
11/8/2009 c4 1Mukuwa.Renu.Koi
omg who is it? lol update soon!
11/6/2009 c3 Turtle Quest
This is really good so far. I love imprint storys and i find the way everyone just stares at Melissa and Lynda and the guys hilarious. I already gave you my ideas at lunch. Update soon! Please! Im serious! ...Or i'll kick you.
10/28/2009 c1 Lisa
Girl you need to update soon cause i love this story3

soo please,please,please update as soon as you can

LG Lisa
7/30/2009 c3 2Ninja.At.Heart
love this story a lotz. i just adore imprint stories and this one is awesome. lol. lol. Are you team Jake? I'm team Jacob. I love all of the pack members. My favourite is Seth 4 some reason idk why but i just like him 4 some reason. Then itz Paul, Embry, Quil, Collin, Brady, Jacob, Jared, and then Sam. lol. But u have a awesome story so far. I'm loving it and i hope its a good one. some people start out good then it turns crazy I'm like what? srry 4 rambling. i do that a lot in reviews. some are way worse then this one.
7/24/2009 c3 4FairyNinjaPrincess
OMG this is so good you should update! Please for me!
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