Just In
for Baby Brother

7/19/2013 c1 Guest
It's cute when two-year-olds can't pronounce r right. I used to babysit this kid that said tat instead cat. Come on you gotta emit, the Rugrats movie was great! Damn you Rugrats Theory for ruining my childhood?! Waffles.
10/14/2011 c1 5Appleblx
Haha, Al's first word actually has significance XD This was cute and made me crack up a bunch XD
7/13/2010 c1 GrilledPeanutButter
This is really good, i'm really glad I read it, Take a cookie! *hands you a cookie*
12/1/2009 c1 Xxmgxx3445xX
Such uber cuteness! Haha, I loved it! *_*

-"It was..." He started to whisper, but he stopped himself before finishing that sentence. "Naw. I wouldn't know..."-

I loved that sentence c:

Great job!
10/11/2009 c1 5Cole-Hyuuga
say sorry ed~! that was mean~!

Cole xoxo
9/16/2009 c1 2Agatsuma Ritsuka
8/13/2009 c1 IKissedaGirlAndILikedIT
Cute. Nice job on making it long. And would make sense that there first words were that. Expecially Al's first word.
7/31/2009 c1 6kobalto
This is the best thing of baby Al that I can find! Way to go!
6/19/2009 c1 12blindhobos
How cute! I guess Ed wasn't always the doting brother he is now. I wonder what my older sister thought of me when I was born. Hm
5/13/2009 c1 6DeathMetalAlchemist423
OMG! That was too cute! My brains leaking out of my ears!
5/9/2009 c1 11Setfiregirl
AH! *squeals* It! It! IT'S SO CUTE! Cute lil Ed, all jealous, and then he likes him again! So cute! And well written, too...I wonder...Al has always liked cats, hasn't he? Well...maybe that's why. Maybe he DOES remember Ed giving him the stuffed cat...*snicker* Waffles...Edward was SO creative. I wonder what their parents thought when they found out that Edward shared Waffles with Al, even though he hated him. Anyway, it's super, uber cute and I just LOVE BROTHERLY FLUFF! *hugs computer screen* Awesome job!
4/27/2009 c1 invalidaccountdeactivated
Best brother fic I've ever read -it's so cute! xD This is definitely deserves to be in

Lot'sa love,

3/8/2009 c1 95xCleverFox
Aww, I thought this fic was obnoxiously cute! You did a really good job with it and I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Shiro-chan
2/9/2009 c1 10AugustClouds
Aww that's so cute and I especially like the ending part when Ed is teasing him about it :)
2/1/2009 c1 MooMoo
Aww, this is really cute. I can't believe it didn't get more reviews!
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