6/3/2010 c1 SimpleThings
This was really good. I liked how you described how James understood Snape, that was awesome. Great job! I really liked how there wasn't a talk between them just a look and how that meant James stopped picking on him for the rest of the year. In this, I actually felt for Snape. Even in the Harry Potter books I've never really felt for Snape, I don't know why but I just never have but in this I strangely enough did a little bit. :D
This was really good. I liked how you described how James understood Snape, that was awesome. Great job! I really liked how there wasn't a talk between them just a look and how that meant James stopped picking on him for the rest of the year. In this, I actually felt for Snape. Even in the Harry Potter books I've never really felt for Snape, I don't know why but I just never have but in this I strangely enough did a little bit. :D
4/21/2010 c1
1Love Among the Ruins
I really liked this piece. I was expecting a whole long understanding by James of Snape. But this was so much more real. It could really happen. I liked the little touch of James not picking on Snape the rest of the year. It's the little things that effect us the most.

I really liked this piece. I was expecting a whole long understanding by James of Snape. But this was so much more real. It could really happen. I liked the little touch of James not picking on Snape the rest of the year. It's the little things that effect us the most.
1/31/2009 c1
omg i love it!
it is very different to what you usual write but i completely love it! :)
was totally awesome, you should definatly write more like these...x

omg i love it!
it is very different to what you usual write but i completely love it! :)
was totally awesome, you should definatly write more like these...x
1/31/2009 c1
Aw. SOo sweet! Btw, I think you mean 'worth IT' not just 'worth' but that is so sweet!

Aw. SOo sweet! Btw, I think you mean 'worth IT' not just 'worth' but that is so sweet!