Just In
for The Teacher in the Test

3/6/2009 c1 4LeahElizabeth
I'm glad that you kept Zack in this story. He should have never been kicked off the show.
2/17/2009 c1 107DNAisUnique
Holy... I seriously hope you're going to update this soon. (Not like I can say much since I have multiple works-in-progress that I'm not updating regularly...)

I'm curious as to why Brennan's harboring bodies at her place. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
2/2/2009 c1 10doornumberthree
What? This entire chapter made no sense at all. So Brennan had bodies in her apartment? Well, I'm assuming that she didn't actually murder those people. But then why would she tell Booth to leave, especially when the other officers had seen him already? And Brennan making up a fake date- hm. I know it was explained, but it just doesn't seem like a very Brennan type of thing to do.
2/1/2009 c1 2ClarksonHammondAndMay
omg lol i love it XD
2/1/2009 c1 csimesser1
that was ok kinda confusing
2/1/2009 c1 3cherisheachother
This story is very intereting so far! Keep writing more! =D

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