Just In
for Fallen

8/19/2021 c1 Bambu ade
Lucas e un perdente juilian e ol vince
8/19/2021 c1 Bambu ade
Grande storia
12/18/2009 c1 2Julchen1515
I Like it
5/12/2009 c1 21singyouhome
Okay, I love you for this. It's honest and I swear it's just a brillant example of why I love Julian for Brooke. Because he's not stupid enough to screw with her and think "it's just sex" like we all know Lucas did season one.

I decied to write this really long review to you because I want you to know, I care about Brooke. Let me let you in on a little secrect about my story. It's a sideways look about what happend the past two years of my life, a little diffrent, and fictious, yes. But in it Brooke is my mother and if Brooke's character wasn't what she was I'd never relate her to my mother.

I know that in the begining of that triange Brooke jumped on Lucas when Peyton couldn't and didn't make up her mind. But whos fault was it that Brooke looked like the bad guy? Lucas.

So you asked if I was going to act like Brooke wasn't important that she was worthless. Well no, because Brooke is everything.

You can't blame someone who under all that popularity gunk was sweet and selfless. She wanted attention and you do stupid things for attention.

So this one-shot again was amazing, and people suspect that because I'm an LPer I'm anti-Brooke. No I love Brooke. I just don't see her and Lucas in the long run. I see the pilot and I see a world that LP are meant to be (like Mark created it.)

But the current show right now, Peyton might die. I don't hate Peyton, in fact I relate to her. So I hope she doesn't go under, I hope she gets to raise her child. You on your profile said you don't like her, so no hard feelings.

You write her really well, so when I do finally do a chapter in Brooke's POV, I hope I learn a little for your fantastic one-shot.

You did a really good job, and again I'm sorry this is so long and also in responce to something besides your story.

3/25/2009 c1 16imjustwritingg
Thats right, she didn't have to ask! Lucas is an ass, Brooke deserves Julian! I love them together! =) Great job with this!
3/22/2009 c1 6planetsquare
omg... wow

thats soo flipping ... wow

aww brooke. and i cant help but think its true. Like peyton not even considering their moto, and everyone thinking she was/is fine

i feel so sad but i luv brooke.

hey maybe this is one of the reasons y a lot of ppl dont rly like peyt much. shes so ... outwardly emotional about everything (plus she complains bout every little thing) that happens its so flipping discouraging. all she does is get ppl to take pity on her

no offense, but i dont HATE her either

Brookes just awesome

oh yeah and brulian,

i've kinda warmed up to the idea of them. i dont mind

but sometimes it just seems like mark is looking for an excuse to shove them as a couple down our throats for the sake of his precious peyton. (i rly think she was better off with jake. though that would probably only happen if it was real life)
2/26/2009 c1 JateSkateFate815
That was pretty amazing. This sounds just like something Brooke would think. It made me very sad at some parts and also the last line made me smile, it was awesome. I love this ficlet! Great job :)
2/8/2009 c1 5julian bb
this story seriously kicks ass. you got into brooke's mind perfectly.

best line: "And I smile because he knows exactly what I meant with that seemingly simple request. And with that I let him all the way in.

Because he is fighting for me, and the best part is, I didn’t even have to ask."

2/8/2009 c1 35LeLa London
I LOVED your story. There was so much insight and detail put into it that actually stayed in Brooke's character. It was very believable. Congrats!
2/7/2009 c1 1VN200
great job!
2/7/2009 c1 ashstalker
Wow, those were exactly my thoughts on the whole thing. Very good work! I love brucas, too, but brulian are so adorable and Julian is so... how can anyone not like him? Plus he chose Brooke over Peyton, and that makes him a hero in my book.
2/6/2009 c1 611Ghostwriter
Wow. This is awesome. You totally hit Brooke's insecurities and fears right on the head. Awesome job. Catch ya on the flip side.
2/6/2009 c1 6Angell4NEPatriots
Oh this was an amazing look inside Brooke's mind! I felt so bad for her, she has worked so hard to become the incredible woman she is and yet she still feels like everyone sees her as the girl she was in high school. Although I personally never saw her as just a slutty cheerleader, she has always been a girl with an amazing heart, so forgiving and generous, and a huge capacity for love. It is why she is my favorite character, there are so many layers to Brooke Davis. You did a fantastic job digging into her psyche and I felt all her pain, sorrow and despair. It is a shame that even her closest friends can make her feel horrible about herself. I hated it Peyton's summary of how she spent her high school years. She of all people should know there was more to Brooke Davis than that. That comment made me ticked off and hurt for Brooke all at the same time.

My favorite part of this was drabble was in reference to Julian... *And I smile because he knows exactly what I meant with that seemingly simple request. And with that I let him all the way in.

Because he is fighting for me, and the best part is, I didn’t even have to ask.*

This was absolutely beautiful to read and exactly how I see Julian and what he is doing for Brooke. It is all Brooke has ever wanted and I am glad she is finally getting her dream. She deserves it. These last three sentences really were powerful and reached straight to my heart.

Thank you for sharing this fabulous one shot! I loved it!
2/6/2009 c1 10gigga
I absolutely loved this. You did a great job in capturing Brooke's emotions and how she must have been feeling after all that. I am a Brucas fan as well but the show ie Mark has really let me down there and I do like Brulian. The last line is perfection!
2/6/2009 c1 90bjames238
I LOVE THIS! you've got brooke characterized so well...i especially loved the end "because he is fighting for me, and the best part is, i didn't even have to ask." -pure genius! :) :) :) :)
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