1/29/2018 c3 Guest
hey bitch
hey bitch
1/29/2018 c2 Sophie
In What book does this chapter have
In What book does this chapter have
1/29/2018 c1 Sophie
This chapter was extremely upsetting.
Is Peter Pettigrew Scabbers?
This chapter was extremely upsetting.
Is Peter Pettigrew Scabbers?
9/30/2017 c6 Netchka
Great chapter and story so far. You got this crossed with EMERGENCY. Cool. Johnny and Roy were my fav characters. Looking forward to finding out what happens next.
Great chapter and story so far. You got this crossed with EMERGENCY. Cool. Johnny and Roy were my fav characters. Looking forward to finding out what happens next.
7/1/2010 c6 Allen Pitt
Even with all the problems with the case, it'll be very hard to get SB free. The Ministry (Fudge) just plain doesn't care about procedure that much. Though I suppose veritaserum might help. Pensieves probably aren't admissible, they can be messed with (Slughorn concealing memories in book 6 etc).
hm. Would the Daily P really be doing a "HP defeats Voldemort" story? When he's supposed to be gone forever? I suppose they were willing to publish it since V was supposedly defeated & powerless by the time they got the story?
Even with all the problems with the case, it'll be very hard to get SB free. The Ministry (Fudge) just plain doesn't care about procedure that much. Though I suppose veritaserum might help. Pensieves probably aren't admissible, they can be messed with (Slughorn concealing memories in book 6 etc).
hm. Would the Daily P really be doing a "HP defeats Voldemort" story? When he's supposed to be gone forever? I suppose they were willing to publish it since V was supposedly defeated & powerless by the time they got the story?
6/30/2010 c6
Okay, heres my review! Luving the fic, dude! And that bunny is still kreepy! Why did u leave it? Okay, so i cannot believe i've only read 37 books! I could have been in the forties by now! Whats wrong with me? Its driving me insane! My friend kayla says im gonna read like 100 books this year. Lord only knows how thats gonna happen! I can barly hit 40! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
And life is kinda crazy right now amd im not gonna be home this weekend and its my friends bday on sunday :( boooo! So i feel like a really suckish friend. Why am leaving this in a review? Anyone can read this...
Well actually, you have to be able to read to read this... Still. Omg the cutest thing today happened! So kyle and i both had dentist appointments today and mom was working so she couldnt take us. My dad did cause he does stuff like that to help my mom out (its kind of a wonder theyre not still married). So he did and when we got home, he decided to hamg around for a bit so we all hung in kyles room and he read some random books out loud for their benefit. And then kyle decided HE wanted to read a book out loud so he did! God it was adorable! He only messed up a few words! The kids 7!
Well, that story was brought to u by the letter 'G' and the number 16. Thank you for tuning in and have a great day, Woburn High!

Okay, heres my review! Luving the fic, dude! And that bunny is still kreepy! Why did u leave it? Okay, so i cannot believe i've only read 37 books! I could have been in the forties by now! Whats wrong with me? Its driving me insane! My friend kayla says im gonna read like 100 books this year. Lord only knows how thats gonna happen! I can barly hit 40! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
And life is kinda crazy right now amd im not gonna be home this weekend and its my friends bday on sunday :( boooo! So i feel like a really suckish friend. Why am leaving this in a review? Anyone can read this...
Well actually, you have to be able to read to read this... Still. Omg the cutest thing today happened! So kyle and i both had dentist appointments today and mom was working so she couldnt take us. My dad did cause he does stuff like that to help my mom out (its kind of a wonder theyre not still married). So he did and when we got home, he decided to hamg around for a bit so we all hung in kyles room and he read some random books out loud for their benefit. And then kyle decided HE wanted to read a book out loud so he did! God it was adorable! He only messed up a few words! The kids 7!
Well, that story was brought to u by the letter 'G' and the number 16. Thank you for tuning in and have a great day, Woburn High!
6/30/2010 c5 bethchilds34
LUVED IT! Great job on this and keep it up! Sorry this is so short but i wanted to be first. I have a book to finish now!
LUVED IT! Great job on this and keep it up! Sorry this is so short but i wanted to be first. I have a book to finish now!
6/25/2010 c4 Allen Pitt
Hm, death eaters out to get her. interesting. I wonder what the Ministry will say.
Hm, death eaters out to get her. interesting. I wonder what the Ministry will say.
6/24/2010 c4 bethchilds34
luved it! amazing job (yet again) and i sometimes hate ffn cause it doesnt show things being put up right away! great job on this and keep it up! and while ur at it, listen to Lost by Michael Buble! awesome some! and theres a great ncis video that, if u look really hard, you can find (or u can just ask me 4 the url)! :)
luved it! amazing job (yet again) and i sometimes hate ffn cause it doesnt show things being put up right away! great job on this and keep it up! and while ur at it, listen to Lost by Michael Buble! awesome some! and theres a great ncis video that, if u look really hard, you can find (or u can just ask me 4 the url)! :)
6/24/2010 c3 bethchilds34
luved it. chapter 4 isnt going to meet my 9 oclock deadline. i'm going to work on that right now. sorry sorry sorry! but u still luv me, so its all good :) great job on this
luved it. chapter 4 isnt going to meet my 9 oclock deadline. i'm going to work on that right now. sorry sorry sorry! but u still luv me, so its all good :) great job on this
6/24/2010 c1 bethchilds34
Wow. First HP fic i've read in a while :) i liked it. Well, onto chapter 2 then. Great job on this and keep it up!
Wow. First HP fic i've read in a while :) i liked it. Well, onto chapter 2 then. Great job on this and keep it up!