Just In
for The Swan Princess

6/20/2020 c7 theias
pls update if this is not finished! i rlly want to see where this goes! i love their friendship so muchhh UwU
3/23/2016 c7 Johanna Ershova
I'm so in LOVE with this! Keep on writin!
3/27/2015 c3 15Windy Darlington
I liked it, besides the slight spelling errors, all is well, and I loved it.

3/27/2015 c2 Windy Darlington
Ok, wow, loved the chapter, but I'm brooding over the fact that you called Caspian "High" King, and after that you only refer to Peter as "King Peter".

Caspian, actually, never ever takes Peter's place, you see, Caspian, Rilian his son, Edmund, Peter's brother and etcetera, are all under Peter, and Peter, as High King, is under Aslan, who is King of kings and the High King. So really, calling Caspian "High King" is like, well, not exactly correct.

Otherwise, I really love this story, and I enjoy reading it.

11/7/2014 c6 JustaNothing
please updaze
4/27/2011 c6 LostInTheWorldOfFiction
I absolutely love this story I mean...who cares about your grammar. The actual story itself is brilliant and makes up for it. Please, please, please update soon or I will have to cry :)
1/16/2011 c6 1RedRoses224
I love this story so far! Please write another chapter soon. My two favorite stories,mixed together! ;-D

6/22/2010 c5 4Karleigh-Q
5/28/2009 c5 Little Pages
YAY! finally another chapter i really do love this story plz update when you can.

-Princess Einjeru
5/28/2009 c5 PenName2
I want to read more. Update


p.s. sorry about my last review i watched the movie, i never read the story book, i'm sorry if you got confused
4/15/2009 c4 PenName2
this is idea at caspian and susan's wedding (instead of the party) and Edmund and Danika share a dance (at the reception)he tells her there is nothing more than she being pretty, and then she leaves, the that guy in the movie, Roberth, turns her into a swan, then the events of the movie. now thats an idea.

But exellent story, continue please update

4/14/2009 c4 Little Pages
Omgosh i was waiting for you yo update this fic. i REALLY like this chapter is was very sweet. good luck with your exams and please update as soon as you can.

-Princess Einjeru
4/14/2009 c4 Soaring Nightengale
This is a very cute fic and I like it. I would not rush through the summer and mention that they all became close. Rather I would show it. I enjoy your writing and when you have the characters interact. Don't skip over anything, you are doing a nice job. I like the details it makes it fun.
4/11/2009 c3 Soaring Nightengale
This is a very cute fic. Are you planning on updating. The girl really picked up on Ed's resentment. Good writing.
3/22/2009 c3 neon
i love this story.

it's HOT.

please continue and update faster.
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