Just In
for Be My Valentine, Coraline?

3/7/2016 c4 59MiaGhost
I love the train-of-thought style of delivery, it made Wybie so much realer!

Love this fic, so damn cute!

Thank You!
5/25/2012 c4 8fantasylover4evr
Awww! My favorite part was when Cat encourged Wybie to give her the gifts! :D
11/5/2011 c4 sorry-this-account-is-deleted

You hear me? Yeah... Anything! Even if its got nothing to do with this I want more!

Hahahahaha... Another awesome story! Thank you so much!


~The Mystery Keeper~
3/17/2011 c4 2Cool-Bean82
I loved it! I'm gonna read your Sisters Grimm stories!

It was a-a-a-amazing!
1/5/2011 c4 6Mistrelia of the Ice
squeeeeeeeeee! freaking loved it! i hate how people write stories where wybie has to take her from some other guy, cuz it makes it seem too much like she's rebounding. you made a super kawai story where it proved he was better than some popular bitch-boy. wybie is such an adorable dork and cat was well written. i could see him doing that ^^
9/2/2010 c4 27theboyandgirlwhowaited
Aww! Cute! Although I don't like this pairing very much, I still thought it was cute. :) Good job:)

8/8/2010 c4 15GothGirl.and.GhostBoy
Oh. My. GOD!

This is sooooo sweet!

I love chapters 3&4 the best!

I mean, she turned down THE HOTTEST guy in skool but she said yes to WYBIE? Of all people..WYBIE?

Well, I would too. I'm weird like that! xD!

And...Wybie is REALLY hot!


3/29/2010 c4 Sesshy's Mate2012
2/23/2010 c4 25blueflower1594
I really enjoyed this! You made me love Wybie even more!
10/18/2009 c4 Alicia
I LOVED THE LAST PART!but why wasnt there a kiss?im to young to love...8
9/3/2009 c4 James Birdsong
Very good
8/1/2009 c4 15WonderlandInvader
To cute! Please do a sequeal or somethin' !
3/31/2009 c3 norn
whoa wybyie is getting into the red zone!
3/31/2009 c2 norn
lol red food coloring like he had a period
3/11/2009 c4 kitty
I loved this so much! It was very cute and funny at the same time...I'm especially happy that you kept Wybie in character. It's hard to find fanfics that still do that. ^_^
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