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for Hope for me yet?

1/6/2016 c1 Dark-Rina
Me encanto.
1/10/2013 c1 12Crystalzap
so sad, I love Chris's character it's so terrible they killed him off.
4/19/2009 c1 evil sasuke girl

3/31/2009 c1 3lemonrocker
This would be an excelant(SP?) story. I would totally read this. I think you should make it into a full flegde story if you can.
3/17/2009 c1 1SpangleyPony
I love this you should def continue :D
2/21/2009 c1 7Yusuke Urameshi - Mazoku
Well if you have a plan for a chap story then yeah but you change pov's alot. You go from first to third in 2 second.
2/16/2009 c1 kasey123
hi, hell yes you should . i love this so far

.need more please
2/15/2009 c1 2misslamonta
i've just watched the whole of series 6 charmed and am currently in love with chris. i really like the way you right from his point of view, and the interaction between the characters so i would love you to continue the story. im especially curious about the strength of chris's powers if he could orb in an anti orbing zone. Please write more!
2/15/2009 c1 BaseballGirl
i really like it ;).. please update
2/14/2009 c1 1meilinglovesshaoran
Yes! Fully fledged story! And maybe Wyatt can come back in time to collect his wayward brother heehee
2/14/2009 c1 144JasZ1991
I Like a lot..

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