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for Kagomes Story In A New Way

1/18/2013 c1 vquinn19
More please next chp
11/10/2012 c1 Lane Brewster
please continue. i would like that very much. and you did have quite a few screw ups but i got the story down. i dont blame you. yay for continuation!
4/6/2012 c1 kate
Please put up chapter 2 soon and hurry
2/5/2012 c1 StoryBeta
Not to be mean but you ned a beta for your spelling and the story is great but is lacking something...Not sure what but really other than that good Job! :)
5/19/2009 c1 3Yana ano baka
I think it would be better if you made it longer, stories with long chapters are nice also ^^ but I know you can do it, neh? ^^ like it! ^^
3/15/2009 c1 kouga's older woman
I'll be waiting to see where the story goes from here.

You might want to watch your spelling.

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