Just In
for Sing for the Future

8/20/2010 c1 4So-sinful
nice :)

I like the "Danny shaped hole in the room." Quote from ep 3 where BB says "there's a Jez shaped hole in the room."

God I love Britannia High xD
6/20/2009 c9 naominihon4eva
this is amazing, well worth the wait! I can't wait for the next chapter!
6/20/2009 c9 hsmfan4eva
please please pleaseplease please update soon, its gettin really intense now and i cant wait to find out what wil happen!
6/19/2009 c9 scarlababe02
thanks, that was so worth the wait! update soon!
6/19/2009 c9 Laurie
Thanks so much for the update, that was amazing!
6/5/2009 c9 Naominihon 4eva
idea for 1 shot- was watching BH the other day and realized that both times Lauren collapses, we dont actually see what happened before she woke up- i mean, how did she get to Nugent's office? just a thought...
5/30/2009 c9 EllaMarie
Hey don't worry about not being able to update, it's not your fault. Good luck in your exams:)

Sorry about posting my request for a one shot on here but my parents won't let me become a proper member, so I can't write and post any stories myself. Personally, I love fanfics about Danny and Lauren (they are so cute together!) set at Britannia High. A few people have mentioned tat no one has yet written anything about Lauren's Neuragila Parasethica on here yet, which could be a challenge to write about... Also, I was wondering if you could include something for a friend of mine...she LOVED your fanfic sing for the future and used to comment loads but she has just moved to Greece and won't be able to read it anymore. Perhaps ou could write about the gang going to Greece at some point, and would you be able to name a character after her at some time, her name is Persephone, but we all call her Sephi, and I know she migh be coming back at christmas to stay for a bit and I know she'd love it if she could read a BH fanfic where the gang go to Greece!
4/26/2009 c9 scarlababe02
dont worry about it have a good time with your friend im sure everyone would agree that its much more important to make the most of the time you have with her. thanks for leting everyone know you will update when you can, it shows you really do care about your readers so thank you
4/23/2009 c9 laurie
don't worry just take your time it will be worth it! and by the way britanniahighfan104 i dont think you can post email addresses on fanfic...
4/22/2009 c9 britanniahighfan104
Sorry, just realized that I have only typed half my email address on my last review!

4/22/2009 c9 britanniahighfan104
Don't worry about not being able to update, your story has been fantastic so far and I am sure everyone knows that when you are able to update, it will be well worth the wait!

You may remember me saying that I will soon be moving to the middle of nowhere in Greece, and so won't be able to get onto fanfic, and I have recently found out that i am leaving on the 12th May. I understand that you may not be able to update before then, and PLEASE whatever you do, don't feel like you have to abandon your plans and rush it through, because that's not fair on you at all, and i would never ask anyone to do that. I have moved abroad in the middle of things I don't want to miss before, and I'll survive. But I would like to tell you just how much I have enjoyed reading your fanfic, it has been fantastic and you are a seriously talented writer. You have listened to your readers and written a totally amazing story for us, and I will never forget that.

There is just one thing I would like to ask you, and I would totally understand if this is too much to ask for because it is a big favour. You see, my dad seems to have joined the technological era at least a little recently, and so he has agreed to buy my older brothers and sisters and I a mobile phone each before we leave so we can keep in contact with some of our friends here, and I have mine already. He has also bought us battery powered chargers, so we wil not need a power socket, an item which is unheard of in the part of Greece where we are going. Mine is also able to send and receive emails, and so i was wondering, would it be possible for you to email any future updates to me at this address:


I know this is a lot to ask of you and I would fully understand it if you didn't want to do this, so please don't feel you have to. It's just something I would really thank you for, after reading your amazing story.

thanks for everything,

love from Sephi
4/9/2009 c8 britanniahighfan104
I would just like to say please, please, please, don't give up on this story, you are doing an amazing job, and LOADS of people seem to think so. If you're stuck for ideas, just say, because this story is definately worth continuing. You are a fantastic writer, so keep doing your thing!
3/29/2009 c8 xxbubblesxx
fantastic! i love this its seriously addictive update soon please!;)
3/27/2009 c8 hsmfan4eva
omg i love it, update soon?
3/25/2009 c8 xlissix
amazing! update soon i so wanna know what will happen!
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