Just In
for The Leaving

1/24/2020 c1 Guest
7/21/2018 c1 AShallowGrave
Awww, I love this! please write more about these two!
5/20/2017 c1 Guest
liked this!
9/13/2016 c1 7Neelie2009
I feel their has always been an unspoken bond between them, you captured that well
6/6/2015 c1 10Alethea27
I feel really badly for Severus and Slytherin House. It's interesting that Minerva almost became a healer, but an epidemic of Dragon Pox convinced her to quit because she was unable to watch people die and not be able to do anything about it like Severus wanting to quit because he couldn't kill his snakes and knew he would be forced to. He and Minerva have a lot more in common than they think.
1/17/2014 c1 13darkdranzer
That paints such a sad image but such a lovely fic nicely done
4/24/2013 c1 creativesm75
7/28/2011 c1 1LemonDropsWoolSocks
Hello! Just checking out your stories! This is very original. I've never read a fic about an entire house missing and trust me I've read enough fanfiction for ten lifetimes... atleast. Thanks for the story! :)
3/26/2011 c1 25Swallow B
This was certainly not too OC to post. I was a bit surprised at the staff's silly fit of laughing, but they were probably trying to stop the other students from taking things seriously - not a very clever way to do it, I must admit. But generally speaking, a lot was IC and you have treated themes that interest me very much: Severus' caring for his students, the difficult position he is in and his friendship with Minerva. I like the image you give. This plot has potential for an interesting sequel, so I am off to read it now.
2/19/2011 c1 starwoods
Absolute amazing! I just love MMSS c:

Your writing is beautiful, great and original plot and I can't wait to read your seq :D
1/15/2011 c1 bookivore
It works in a hypothetical world containing the Dark Lord and without the rest of the plot of the series. But, I kept wondering where this would fit in the series (5th year? 6th) and even assuming Dumbledore would treat it as a huge joke, Severus would as usual be too caught up in the plots between D. and V. to be able to watch over anyone else. So, I'm imagining Severu's line to be 'Minerva, the Dark Lord has decided that having any assets in Hogwarts is no longer necessary, and Dumbledore was crass in order to explain my leaving in a less ominous way' or "Minerva, ask Dumbledore the plans he was working on over the summer, and that will explain why I warned all of Slytherin house to stay away. Goodbye.' I just can't imagine a realistic, longer fic starting with *this* to be anything other than full of angst, and I don't want to do that to Severus!
11/14/2010 c1 10misundersnape
Hmm... touching fic. Nice to see Severus' emotional turmoil over the safety of his charges... and good to see it's not all about the honour they can win him via the house cup or Quidditch cup. ;)

Wham! - fist to wall - gotta love that - you will have noticed I had him do it too... :D

Now, my other thoughts would be regarding Minerva - doesn't her quitting a healing career and encouraging Severus to stay make her a bit of a hypocrit?

It certainly proves if Severus does stay that his "Gryffindor" traits (bravery) as a Slytherin outweigh hers... But, I suppose, it is established canon fact that he is 'the bravest man' Harry Potter ever knew.

And Severus is not the only Slytherin on staff is he... surely? I guess the point was that the conversation Albus headed was thoughtless and cruel, and it did seem a bit out of character for me, but you've already told me you never really liked Albus; I guess this might be the slight ooc-ness (along with Sev's tears) that bothered you initially... even if you have a problem with Albus I hope you have never believed him this obtuse or heartless.

Anyway, cool idea having all the Slytherins leave... a unique fic in that regard. And I can't blame the newbies for not wanting to sit at the vacant table... lol. Wonder what would have happened had one had the balls...?

Good job!

9/7/2010 c1 8marylinevelyn
As much as you supposedly hate this story, and it does have some flaws, I will grant you that, this angsty bit is really quite touching. I also love that you used all-caps just like J.K. And I love the title "The Leaving". It's so simple and perfect.

I love Minerva fixing his hand, it was a really beautiful moment. And the reprise of the 'I couldn't watch them die.' It perfectly recalls why Snape is leaving, and prefigures the many, many children they will watch die in the next years.
7/19/2010 c1 8Angel 1291
Wow! I`m speechless. This was so sad but wonderful written. Thank you for this story.

Yours Angel1291
4/5/2010 c1 VestriVerum
Wonderful story; I can see this happening very easily - though in my opinion, it would take more than a 'who-will-I-spar-with' for him to consider staying.

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