Just In
for The Best Gift

6/28/2018 c1 31penny4him
Very cute! :) Loved the characterizations, and Minerva's sweetness.
2/28/2018 c1 Snape-dsrvd-2liv
This was so precious. Adorable, really...Snape a little out of character, but not unrecognizably...Minerva caring about him, knowing it was his birthday...precious. PRECIOUS!
But I legitimately almost cried when Severus said, "You know...I think this is the best present anyone's ever given me." That's so sad, but so likely true, too, if you know what I mean. Like, as a kid he didn't have any friends except Lily, and as a teen he really only has her, and then he loses her. His parents neglect him, so I don't imagine he got gifts from them very often, even if they could remember his birthday. His colleagues hate him, or are afraid of him, or he just doesn't trust anyone with that little piece of information. He's a broken man, Severus Snape...broken, but not alone.
9/10/2015 c1 3savemyunicornclarence
Very sweet fic. Adorable and lovely. Although it was kind of sad hearing that MM taking care of SS on his birthday was SS's best birthday present.
4/21/2014 c1 Guest
Awesome :D
7/28/2011 c1 1LemonDropsWoolSocks
You have a thing for injuring Severus' hands. I can tell already. :D I think this was fluffy. I can completly picture Severus going out into a blizzard regardless of what anyone says. Thanks for the story! :)
5/22/2011 c1 94Dragon MoonX
Well that was really sweet. ^_^ I liked it. It's always nice to see Minerva taking care of Sev.
11/14/2010 c1 10misundersnape
How sad it is that just a small amount of kindness - given in such an authoritarian way might I add - has revealed itself as the most Severus has ever received, especially on his birthday. I have to assume he might be exaggerating at least a little, but it does paint a bleak picture for him, doesn't it.

*hugs to Sev*

Thanks for sharing.

6/15/2010 c1 8marylinevelyn
I can tell you're in love with these characters. I would PAY to see Minerva blush. I really like her all hot and bothered about him being hurt.
3/7/2010 c1 8Logospilgrim
~As is far too often, it features a tired, cranky, miserable Severus Snape, an overprotective Poppy Pomfrey, and a sympathetic Minerva McGonagall...~

Oh, goodness, my dearest one, you say that like it is a bad thing, when it is in fact a very good thing :-)

That was so sweet... Thank you for writing this charming and well-written tale.
9/11/2009 c1 everyme
Hey :D

Quite a nice one-shot, I have to say. There aren´t many Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall stories out there, the pairing doesn´t seem to be very popular with fans. Rather disappointing, I think, because the books don´t really mention many major confrontations between them, so I think fanfiction authors have free reign to explore them.

Yours was very nicely written, and I really liked the plot. Somehow,it´s the simple things that count, like feeling comfortable again after being out in a snowstorm.

Minerva was very in character; though she didn´t show it, you could really tell that she cares for Severus. Another thing I liked about you depiction of her is that she wan´t as much of a mother hen as Poppy; Severus would really be fed up with another one like Poppy, I think.

Snape mentioning that this was propably the best birthday present he ever reveived was just the perfect ending :D

Hope you continue writing such interesting stories :D

8/11/2009 c1 34Fayet
..I can indeed tell that you're in love with this characters. And I guess I really like them, too. At least in the way you picture them.
7/28/2009 c1 8One-Eyed Zoro
Yay! More Snapeness! I was short and nice! It's nice how Minerva cares :)
7/18/2009 c1 17Anachronistic Anglophile
Oh, that was so nice.
5/6/2009 c1 3Valmarien
It's really sweet. Shame it can't happen like that in the books...
4/30/2009 c1 12MaritimeStars
I love this story, so I reread and thought I should tell you how much I love it again. Great job, it was very well written and it put a smile on my face.
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