Just In
for We Are Broken

6/1/2014 c10 1Hard-As-Bones
*claps* Bravo! I love it! The ending brought tears to my eyes.
4/9/2013 c10 Guest
omg i think this totally needs a sequel, this was such an amazing story!
8/1/2011 c10 611Ghostwriter
Great job. Catch ya on the flip side.
5/12/2011 c10 6serenity's angel
Really good! I loved this story! You definitely have to come out with a sequel! I want to know what happens next! :3
2/28/2011 c8 10ChelseasDeadSmile
Who knew Ruby's knife would be so helpful...the little cunt xD

I like this so far acutally. My favorite character from Four Brother's paired with a kick ass girl...I like.
12/10/2009 c8 611Ghostwriter
Great job. Keep it up. Catch ya on the flip side.
9/9/2009 c8 3juniper294
awesomeness! continue on!
9/8/2009 c8 6tearsXsolitude
nonono it wasn't lame at all it was totally like them. omg i was so happy when i saw that you updated iv been waiting for it! please update soon!
7/20/2009 c7 tearsXsolitude
nya i loved it! poor Jack. He definitely has seen worse shit than the Sam and Dean. I mean they've seen messed up shit alright, but nothing compared to what poor Jacky has seen! anyway I loved the story please update soon!
7/19/2009 c7 10ShadowWolfDagger
Awesome update like always please update it soon ^_^

You're really getting the updates out there aren't you ;)

7/19/2009 c6 ShadowWolfDagger
Awesome update like always please update it soon ^_^

hehe the part where Jack was all 'nobody questions Bobby' was funny ;)

6/25/2009 c5 6tearsXsolitude
omg i loved it! pretty please update soon!
6/23/2009 c5 10ShadowWolfDagger
Awesome update can't wait for more, please update it soon ^_^

Wondering how Dean and Sam's talk with Jack with go, hope they don't cause him to have like a flashback or something of that sort.

6/23/2009 c5 3NerdyPinupCrystal
Great chapter! I LOVE classic muscle cars, the best kind of cars in my opinon. These new age crap cars have no personality and they all look exactly alike! Anywho, I can't wait for more!
6/7/2009 c3 10ShadowWolfDagger
Awesome Four Brothers/Supernatural crossover, can't wait to read more and see how it all plays out. Please update it soon ^_^

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