Just In
for Infected

7/16/2020 c6 Guest
Please continue
8/31/2012 c6 6bloody raptor
5/26/2012 c6 RequiemxDreams
Hope you update soon!
2/6/2010 c6 Dreamgirl264
Please update soon! I've had this story on my alert for so long now just because it is really good and I want to know what happens next.
12/23/2009 c6 1Lady Snowstorm
oh can't wait 2 see wat happens next
8/17/2009 c6 6Chaos0283
Damn good chapter. Wesker is still the most fucked up person I've ever known XD

To bad Leon can't break free from his bindings to kick is ass. Im sure Kennedy would give him a good run for his money.

Update ASAP!
8/17/2009 c5 Chaos0283
Man, Wesker really is one sick bastard to be doing that to them. Syx is one awesome monster. Im gonna have to come up with a good one for my fanfic.

Check out and review some more of my work girl!

8/13/2009 c6 41Rainfox88
0.0 loving this so far! Sorry for the lateness! I've been so busy, so it has taken me longer than usual to read it all! Wesker is such a freaking bastard, lol...but, hey, ya gotta love him, lol!
8/1/2009 c6 10Stardust4
hehehehe yeah he is a hot sick bastard! geezs I hope claire will be fine! oh save her! Chris, Leon, Jill! ahh
8/1/2009 c6 40Hobohunter
D: D: D: D: D: Wesker, why do you have to be so evil and hot? I agree, he be lookin' fine XD I love the rebirth levels in RE: UC somehow a bloody Wesker and no glasses is very very hot. XD

Yet he better take his hands off of Claire! I hope Leon can save her. (And maybe Chris. XD)

Nice chapter, please update soon!

Oh yeah, thanks for the cookies and coke! :3
8/1/2009 c6 1whoopism15
Awesome chapter! Hope you update soon! :)
6/11/2009 c5 jesusm85
this this story has got me at the edge of my seat

you got to tell me how did you come up with it
6/11/2009 c3 jesusm85
omg i love this story thanks for writing it
6/11/2009 c2 jesusm85
OMG this story is asowme iam at the edge of my seat i love this stroy
6/11/2009 c1 jesusm85
omg i loved it so much it made me jump like leon dont die here.
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