Just In
for Playing Philadelphia

4/17/2022 c6 Cbird28
I love this so much! I stopped reviewing each chapter because I was just reading too fast to stop! I love how Jess and Rory were able to fall back into their friendly banter, but that after Guy called, Rory snapped and ranted about the elephant and the dang circus that was always in the room with her and Jess. And Jess putting himself out there again because she asked him to- aww! I LOVED how Jess was quite amiable chatting with most of the reporters, but reverted to his high school self with Guy! It did feel a lot like they were in high school again and it was sweetly nostalgic. I especially loved that Rory said she had missed the old Jess. Jess joking about her loving him and her realization that it's true was amazing, and you wrote the intimate scene wonderfully! Just enough detail that some things could be left to the imagination. I loved Jess's comment about how he never follows the script- too true! Lots of love for this fic!
4/17/2022 c2 Cbird28
Your writing is so good at making me laugh so hard! I thought it might be Matt or Chris that took her home since Jess definitely would've recognized her and vice versa. But gosh, Rory figuring it out and then Jess coming in- too freaking hilarious! And awful... But mostly funny right now lol
10/18/2015 c5 11siss7
z z z aa,z q
6/26/2015 c6 8KEMLEM81
This was great. Off to read your other stories now.
6/11/2014 c6 WesterbergGal
Seriously, this is a great story! I just stumbled across it again, and had to leave a comment, bumping it up to 100 reviews! Great writing - so funny, so awkward, so much heart. Loved it!
3/26/2013 c6 12allessandramari
Love this story! Besides being well written, I do think they are on character. The humor in the situation makes this a joy to read. Love the fact they all suffer from Foot In Mouth!
4/30/2012 c6 13CircleSky
This was a great story! Well done! I must admit, I was very confused by the first chapter. I was thinking 'why is she going out on a date in Philly and it's not with Jess?' and 'why is she leaving with a guy who lives over a bookstore but she doesn't recognize him?' Of course, once I figured it out, it was all very obvious and could easily make sense.

I loved the conga line, the W.C. Fields references and Jess getting ready for their 'date' and his accidental comment to Matt about the organ grinder - especially his discomfort over having made that comment.

Although the story is perfect as it is, I find myself craving an epilogue. How has Jess's relationship with Matt changed? What will it be like once Rory comes back and she and Jess resume? What will it be like when she sees Matt? (Of course I don't mean that she should have feelings for Matt because I am severely opposed to that, but the interaction seems like it would be interesting.)

Anyway, thank you for writing! I'm really enjoying your work and I've added you as a favourite author and subscribed to your alerts. Keep it up!
11/9/2011 c6 3backatit27
I really liked this story, it was a completely different take on the lit reunion, really creative. I think you stayed in character really well too, good job!
4/21/2011 c2 val
yeah, i certainly wasn't among those who figured out this exact scenario... really mind-blowing, i must say :)
3/27/2011 c5 23Iscah McKrae
Your opening paragraphs defy description. Every word is precisely the word that should be there, in exactly the order that they should follow. It's perfection. It's Rory's mind. Even though she's disoriented right now, it's Rory's mind working correctly, for once. She's highly intelligent, but her mind rarely works correctly. It's a very pleasant change. More than that. It's a huge relief. I need to study it. Because at some point, I need to be able to write Rory's mind in working order (after a bunch of Rory's mind not in working order). Keep reading, self. Self salutes.

"So what'd you do instead?" Talk about a loaded question! Yes, in sheer ignorance, but...again...oy with the poodles already!

GAH! I REALLY wanted to hear the Lorelai reaction to that one! *puffs out a sigh of disappointment*

Wow. You change voice with perspective REALLY well. And, not just general voice. You have the different tones for the different emotions down to a fine science! Drunk Rory, humiliated Rory, panicking Rory, etc. Before you had fighting-with-himself Jess, hurt Jess, now you have terrified and bottling-up-his-terror Jess, fighting himself to just do this thing. I'm not talking about dialogue. I'm talking about the narration. It's spectacular the way you portray the emotion by the sentence structure. I'm really jealous. You have a true gift.

"And I think she thought I was a monkey." Matt! *face-palms in ragged, almost-dying laughter*

Again with the internal editor persona that I hope you won't kill me for: I think you meant to say, "Rory seemed to relax even more, now that they were inside" rather than "in side."

"Don't grin. Don't grin." Now, we finally know how all those perfect, casual, wry and dry smirks were on the inside. Gotta love it.

*eternal sighing* yeah...yeah, he would.
3/27/2011 c4 Iscah McKrae
Seriously! Your writing! LOVE! SO much love going on here! Example: "She was about to throw herself back in the direction of the couch and her new lover, Jake the Cushion, when..." Example two: "He was sure Rory had been following him, but unless she'd developed herself some sort of Wonder Woman cloaking device (and he doubted it; Rory had never been one for the sciences)" You are SO AWESOME! To self: Will you stop commenting and read? *self nods abruptly and minimizes review window*

Oops. I do believe you meant, "there was no way she'd be wandering around Philly today"...not "wondering around Philly." I know I'm not your beta, and if me correcting bugs you, I'm really sorry. Just know I'd want it pointed out, so...please don't murder me.

Settling into happy place where Jess prevents Rory from killing the world and burning down Truncheon by bribing her with chocolate chip pancakes, which she ravenously wolfs down in true Gilmore style. *sigh of contentment*

There are no words. There should be, but there aren't. (So, technically, the review should end there, since I just said there were no words, but, of course, I'll write more words. I guess I should have said that there are no ADEQUATE words.) After the pancakes...and the washing up. Rory's apology. Jess admitting to himself, and therefore us, that she's killed him all over again. Rory realizing that she's been breaking his heart over and over again. Rory going into coward-auto-pilot (MAN, that girl should've understood Jess running away from the mess he made!) All of it. So incredibly dead-on! *shakes head at the sadness of it, and the realism of it* Man, I want your help with my stories! This is - SO - GOOD.

"And there I go again. Take a drink." (so much laughter)

WOW. The conga line and the...*takes a deep breath and shakes head, trying to say something other than WOW to this amazingly, perfect rendition of Rory and Jess ACTUALLY COMMUNICATING...actually communicating in the way that Rory and Jess would ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE!* Seriously, I have things to do tomorrow, and I'm not even caring that it's almost 5 in the morning, and I cannot...CANNOT...stop reading this. It's phenomenal! It's - phenomenal. *deep breath*
3/27/2011 c3 Iscah McKrae
Okay! Rory's obligatory "dirty!" made me literally shoot out of my chair and across the room, barely preventing a shriek of shocked laughter that would have woken the whole house!

Reading on now...

'Don't go there,' he muttered to himself. 'Just be nice, give her coffee and let her leave. Then we can murder Matt.'

Oh...oh...poor Jess! The horror.

Okay, Rory, NOW is not the time to get irritated with Jess...particularly for drawing VERY natural conclusions. It wasn't as if he actually KNEW Logan. He only saw him acting like a jealous jerk, and then heard of him being a cheating jerk. Why should he not assume it's a trend?

"say something idiot...No! Don't say that!" - Priceless! Absolutely priceless! Hilarious commentary on the perversity of human nature...and the adorableness of Jess' mind!

"Perfect delivery. There was a hint of careless amusement in his voice that he was very proud of." - Okay, I am officially in love with your writing, which in my silly little brain means that I am ready to ask you if you could read my stories and help me out. But, seriously, I am in love with your writing. It's amazing.

Oh...the dialogue which follows is...superb. It hits exactly the right tone for their careless, friendly banter, muted to the softness that a hangover head could tolerate, and the current impossibly awkward situation would allow. With exactly the right references thrown in with the right degree of subtlety/recognizability. Flawless.

Awww! Jess always did have the completely-natural-not-influenced-by-Lorelai-and-yet-completely-like-her humanizing inanimate objects. I love it.

Okay, my awwwwwing is now eternal! He kept the Rory Bear! I think I'm gonna cry!

"you should have seen the apostrophes!" :D LOVE!

"He knew his voice was getting husky. He knew where he was leading this conversation; straight towards Heartbreak and Despair. He knew he should stop, but somehow, when faced with Rory, Jess Mariano's head never did quite function properly." Ohh, Jess... ohh, Jess...

WOW! *so much almost-crying-out-of-happiness going on here!* The staring at the shoes, and the don't-kiss-her-don't-kiss-her, and the book stealing, and the tucking it where she's supposed to tuck it, and the falling asleep reading the book stuck in the couch cushions, and the stealing it so he doesn't have to finish reading it, and the looking for the bench, and the huge grin not splitting his face... *getting misty and feeling so much like Sookie!...normally I'm much more of a Lorelai...and Jess...and Rory...I don't usually channel Sookie...and I lost track of the end of the part of the sentence that's supposed to be indicating emotion, so I don't know where to put the* Oh. There it goes. Nice Gilmore rant, eh? Told you I was more likely to channel Lorelai or Rory. :D To self: Keep reading, self! From self: Happily!
3/27/2011 c2 Iscah McKrae
I knew it! I-knew-it-I-knew-it-I-knew-it-I-knew-it SHOOT! I should have called it! While I was still reviewing Chapter 1, I should have called it! Even falling-down-drunk-Rory would know Jess...but not Matt. Somehow I doubted it could be Chris. Continuing to read now...

I mean really...what else could he say? Oh, right. I bet we're about to find out. No, actually, unless she's completely speechless, which Rory HAS been known to be around Jess in very awkward situations, Rory will probably launch into a full Gilmore-worthy spiel of word-vomit.

Oy, with the poodles already! *face palm*
3/27/2011 c1 Iscah McKrae
Okay...this first chapter...*laughing quietly but uncontrollably*...this first chapter...*laughter continues and interferes with thought process* This is sheer brilliance, and I'm not sure when I'm going to stop laughing. W. C. Fields would be proud! Or, perhaps he wouldn't. I should really do more research into famous individuals before I surmise what their opinions of things would be. But, I can tell you that I am certainly enjoying it - and am about to go read more.

I'm glad Rory doesn't overindulge often...but, when she does...oh, boy is it funny!
10/14/2010 c5 10watram
I think I've never reviewed this before. And same on me, this is probably the third time I'm reading this story.

I love the remark that whatever the ending, it terrified him. And I love the air of uncertainty before they meet up for the function.

The Rory-Jess-Dean 2.0 interaction is hilarious. Poor Guy is not at all conscious of how much entertainment he is providing for them. The kiss wakes up the butterflies in my stomach every time. Amazing!
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