Just In
for I Can't Help Falling In Love

11/3/2009 c2 1vampgirl75
11/3/2009 c2 Almostafreebird
I thought this was going to be like any other Emmett/Bella story but man! This is really good
11/3/2009 c2 2Crafton
That would certainly be sweet revenge for them to elope with each other, I wonder how Edward and rose will react.
11/2/2009 c2 2501Cub
bullshit! lol hey its not ur story, im just a strong bella/ edward believer! and emmett didnt even take on the situation too hard neither did bella for all i care. jail and bullets for them man
11/2/2009 c2 6misstinyhearts
hey I liked that although its hard to see bella and emmett together but it was a good idea so Im all for it lol UD soon so I know whats going to happen lol

x0x0 Tiny
11/2/2009 c1 11You-won't-see-an-iguana-here
Aw, poor Bella :'( Meanie pants edward and rose... fantastic job!
10/22/2009 c1 SheWhoMustNotBeWritten
Awe. So sweet, doll.
10/21/2009 c1 1Wolfgirl82
Please write MORE!
10/4/2009 c1 8capitaine-awesome
I don't know how to say this:

I demand another chapter ! xD

I want more ! ^^



9/26/2009 c1 1This Ones For You Kid
this was awesome...i hope her and emmett get together...i can't wait to read more.
8/9/2009 c3 5JaceBridgewaterMcCartyWhitlock
Love IT!
8/9/2009 c1 AnniesNotOkayMJ
Dude Why did you stop and don't say writers block how could you not know how to finish this great story
8/8/2009 c3 laceykelsey
yeah i think you so should write more so far it is really awesome
8/8/2009 c1 scarLet101
please continue..
8/5/2009 c1 2southfloyd-augustrose
update soon please!
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