Just In
for The Legend of Spyro: The Fallen Ones

6/16/2009 c57 7montecristo709
NO XURYU! Aw, i was beginning to like the dude. Oh sucks doesn't it? Go kick his @$$ RYUU!
6/13/2009 c56 montecristo709
keep it up man! sorry for not updating man, finals and all that crap. update soon.
6/11/2009 c55 montecristo709
oh man can this get any better? Update soon!
6/6/2009 c54 montecristo709
first demitri, now him lol
6/6/2009 c53 montecristo709
man...i have been living in the stone age since i did not see u update lol. nice chap man!
6/1/2009 c52 montecristo709
u no what...i might as well add the sword, but i will renae it of course lol. U got DK, I got DL. Update soon!
5/30/2009 c51 montecristo709
sweet man Keep it up!
5/28/2009 c50 montecristo709
i can imagine this happening.

Agorak: Dude...what is wth you and space-ships?

Reignor: Well wat is with you and air-polluting cars?

Agorak: Cars are awesome and i no that spaceships are fun as well, but really...get with the program, we are in 2009.

Reignor: Does it look like i give a dman bro?
5/26/2009 c49 montecristo709
how many characters do u have now? xD. Keep it up dude.
5/26/2009 c48 montecristo709
about time man. Damn u'r internet! xD Anyways update soon man!
5/18/2009 c47 montecristo709
heart attack? is that all u can think off man? oh well nice chap btw. And if u were wondering abnout my chap, guess what , i am only half-way through.
5/16/2009 c46 montecristo709
lol captain idiot.
5/15/2009 c45 1Draconet
you were ok with the gang, but with the spartans O_O ¡my god!
5/14/2009 c45 7montecristo709
5/12/2009 c44 montecristo709
nice chap man...but dude, have u not noticed the ammount of words and chaps i have...compared to yours? Yeah sure i update like once or twice a week and u update like daily with good chaps. Plus i did tell ya that i was going to make past 260K, and that seems to be likey within my grasp! (sounded kinda evil btw xD)

keep it up man!
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